The international system is adopted in the UK, but in the USA and some other countries different colour codes may still be seen. Around the neck of a cylinder in the UK is a plastic disc, the colour and shape of which denotes the year when the cylinder was last examined (Fig. 21.1)....
Our Blackstone sample arrived with a fitting for connection to a UK propane cylinder though it can also be converted for use with disposable Coleman propane canisters. However, you may need to remove the tiny gas-restricting orifices in each of the two burners. This is because early 2024 shipm...
As mentioned before, the generation of a corona discharge in a needle-to-cylinder layout is highly dependent on the geometry. Comparing data series labelled ‘N-19’, ‘N-10’ and ‘N-6’ in Fig. 4b, despite having similar geometries and the relatively small differences in reaction chamber...
isotherms (77 K) of ZTC and GMS before and after compressing them for 100 times at 83 MPa and 89 MPa, respectively. Solid and dotted lines correspond to the data of ZTC and GMS, respectively, while the data of pristine and compressed samples are shown by black and red colours Full ...
As the cylinder head temperature was the limiting parameter for this particular engine regarding the maximum power output, this showed that there is a potential to increase the power output. However, it is also true in general that CNG engines, which sometimes are derivates of diesel engines, ...
The system was designed to have the lowest possible volume in order to fill or empty the chamber quickly through a gas inlet and an outlet, having an internal cylinder-shaped volume of 12 cm diameter and 2 cm height (gSaenssovrso2l0u17m, 17e, 2=4 226 cm3). 4 of 14 The gas inlet...