on the recent results related to the detection of explosive materials where automated particle sampling using a cyclone concentrator permitted the inspection time to be successfully reduced to 3 s” [408]. One of the mass spectrometry methods and systems that have the most promise for explosives...
The ongoing emission of greenhouse gases (GHGs) is triggering changes in many climate hazards that can impact humanity. We found traceable evidence for 467 pathways by which human health, water, food, economy, infrastructure and security have been recent
Gas-liquid separation performance of a micro axial flow cyclone separator - ScienceDirectYuan Li a bGuoliang Qin aZhiyi Xiong c dLing Fan bChemical Engineering Science
For particulate control, methods such as electrostatic precipitators, cyclone separators, and fabric filters are employed, while gaseous pollutants are managed by scrubbers, Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) systems (for NOx), and dry sorbent injection (e.g., sodium bicarbonate), among others. ...
[29]. The solution was pumped to the injection unit at a flow rate of 10 mL/min, with an air pressure of 10 L/min and a voltage of 15 kV. The resulting particles were collected from the cyclone as a free-flowing powder, stored in flasks under vacuum at −20 °C, and protected...
(IN, MN). The authors compare these lab quantifications with a simple technique which is based on the analysis of the changes in the position of temperature front in the bed. The main benefit of the latter is the possibility of performing the diagnostics of the bed “online” and using ...
The yields of the respective fly ash fractions for the reference run (nO2 = 0.25, ϑ = 842, nSC = 1.05 mol mol−1) are Yash,prim.cyclone = 0.051 kg kg−1, Yash,sec.cyclone = 0.008 kg kg−1 and Yash,filter = 0.003 kg kg−1. It can be seen that the majority of the...
The compounds derived from the fusion process, such as HCl, Cl2, and HF, are chemically neutralized, removed through a dedicated plant, and then conveyed to the bag filters for being treated in the cyclone reactor with lime. The lamination and solidification processes are improved to avoid ...
The yields of the respective fly ash fractions for the reference run (nO2 = 0.25, ϑ = 842, nSC = 1.05 mol mol−1) are Yash,prim.cyclone = 0.051 kg kg−1, Yash,sec.cyclone = 0.008 kg kg−1 and Yash,filter = 0.003 kg kg−1. It can be seen that the majority of the...
[34] explored the electrochemical behaviour of various dissolved species (ferrocene, 1,4-benzoquinone, 1,4-diphenyl-9,10-anthraquinone, tetracyclone, and benzophenone-3) in the RTIL 1-hexyl-3- methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate ([C6mim][PF6]) on homemade basal and edge screen-printed graphite...