Kath started work at Edinburgh- based Universal Gas Studios Ltd as a gas installation engineer.She said: "I'm enjoying working full-time in a job that I believe is a career for life. I've carried on attending various industry- related training courses and worked on some challenging j...
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Our team of experts will work closely with you to identify opportunities that match your skills, experience, and career aspirations, helping you secure your dream job in the oil and gas industry. Onsite Jobs Looking for onsite job opportunities in the oil and gas industry? Our job placement ...
Our more than 742,000 people in more than 120 countries, combine unmatched experience and specialized skills across more than 40 industries. We embrace the power of change to create value and shared success for our clients, people, shareholders, partners and communities. ...
Learn more with our online oil and gas courses: Video Player 00:00 00:00 Processing, transporting, and selling refined products made from crude oil is the business of thedownstreamsegment of the oil and gas industry. Key downstream business sectors include: ...
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year with the courses starting in 2025. The centre will teach students how to work with low-carbon technologies such as carbon capture and storage, wind turbines and heat pumps. Other skills hubs are scheduled to open in 2024 – including one in Fife, Scotland and one in Pembrokeshire, ...
Search Oil & Gas Jobs! Thousands of Oil and Gas Jobs worldwide. Rigzone is the World's leading resource for jobs, news, events, and training in the Oil &...
Over 100 lose their jobs at Seadrill Danish pension firms are financing oil exploration activities in the North and Barents seas For subscribers Did you read? From6 Feb Ørsted CEO:Too early to put figures on new round of layoffs As Ørsted becomes less active than previously planned, less...