Port Clinton, Ohio Liberty Aviation Museum Inside an airport, visitors can explore this museum where history takes flight. Mar Lodj, Senegal Forgotten Cannons of Sine Saloum This rusting artillery is a relic of Vichy France's influence in West Africa. ...
An Economic Analysis of the Oil and Gas Resources in the Clinton Formation of OhioJ. T. CumberlidgeW. D. McCulloughOhio Geological Society
Bill Clinton gave the longest lecture to Congress of any president in the last 60 years, speaking for nearly an hour and 25 minutes in 1995. Still … Biden has him beat on one front: Last year, the president spoke 9,191 words— beating Clinton for the record by a single word. Jimmy...
From the IEA report: “The Russian Ministry of Oil and Energy does not report NGLs per se, but they do report LPG and condensate production per company. In this study we have applied the reports of LPG and condensate production per company as a starting point to arrive at a proxy for Ru...
A suitable self-regulating heating cable 30 is available from Rockbestos-Surprenant Cable Corporation of Clinton, Mass. It is noted that the heating elements 22 can alternatively be of any other suitable type, such as for example, tape, foil, or the like. The illustrated heating cable 30 ...
During an interview aired on Friday's broadcast of Bloomberg's "Wall Street Week," Harvard Professor, economist, Director of the National Economic Council under President Barack Obama, and Treasury Secretary under President Bill Clinton Larry Summers reacted to OPEC+'s production cut by stating ...
The "Clinton interval" is a term used by drillers for Silurian deposits of interbedded sandstone and shale between the Queenston Shale and Dayton Formation in northeastern Ohio. The Clinton interval has produced oil and gas for over a century, but locally has been converted to gas storage. ...
Keltch, B.W., Wilson, D.A., and Potter, P.E., 1990, Deltaic depositional controls on Clinton Sandstone reservoirs, Senecaville gas field, Guernsey County, Ohio, in Barwis, J.H., McPherson, J.G., and Studlick, J.R.J., eds., Sandstone petroleum reservoirs: New York, Springer- ...
BACKGROUND OF OHIO OIL AND GAS DEVELOPMENT*JERRY D. JORDANClinton Gas SystemsAttorney for Vorys日本繊維製品消費科学会繊維製品消費科学