Gas Chromatography is used extensively in forensic science. Disciplines as diverse as solid drug dose (pre-consumption form) identification and quantification, arson investigation, paint chip analysis, and toxicology cases, employ GC to identify and quantify various biological specimens and crime-scene ev...
Not only can hydrogen be generated in-house, a great advantage over helium tanks that must be ordered and replaced on a regular basis, but it also leads to faster chromatography without loss of resolution. The two main disadvantages to using hydrogen are the hazardous situation created by the ...
Our state-of-the-art GC systems are modular for unlimited combinations of iConnect injector and detector modules, which can be switched out by the user in minutes, and can be used for stand-alone chromatography or with mass spectrometry. ...
A simple, reliable, and sensitive gas chromatography–mass spectrometry method for the quantification of volatile and nonvolatile biogenic amines in Port wines and grape juices was developed and evaluated. The method was based on a previously reported two-phase derivatization procedure with isobutyl chl...
Low molecular weight aromatic compounds released during the growth of several Streptomyces strains on wheat straw in solid-state fermentation (SSF) were identified by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. The analysis of the compounds derived from p-hydroxyphenyl, guaiacyl and syringyl units (H, G and...
Structure elucidation of the chromatographically separated components is the next step in the analysis of an aroma isolate. Coupled gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) allows direct analysis of the separated components and provides the most efficient means of volatile identification. ...
Gas Chromatography (GC) Columns GC Parts and Accessories GC Reagents 索取气相色谱仪报价单 A step ahead in automated sampling for GC analysis If you need a simple liquid or headspace GC autosampler, or one that can do it all (liquid, headspace, solid phase microextraction (SPME) injec...
The significance of the results for the separation of these substances by gas adsorption chromatography is discussed briefly.W.PhysikalischeVonPhysikalischeRybinskiPhysikalischeG.PhysikalischeH.PhysikalischeFindeneggPhysikalischeWileyBerichte Der Bunsengesellschaft Für Physikalische Chemie...
High Performance Liquid Chromatography on Small Particle Silica Gel Liquid chromatographic columns of 5- to 10-μm TLC grade silica gel have been packed by a high pressure, balanced density slurry technique. The columns have yielded HETP values of less than 0.1 mm at a linear velocity (v) of...
Magnetic molecular imprint-based extraction of sulfonylurea herbicides and their determination by capillary liquid chromatography We have developed a simple method for the extraction of sulfonylurea herbicides (SUHs) from environmental water samples. It is based on a magnetic molecula... MJ Lerma-García...