This post is a follow up toUsing ShiftLeft in Open Source, where I was looking to see if I could apply the principle ofshift left testingto security. Now thatShiftLefthas a user interface, I want to come back to it and revisit looking at results from the UI instead of pouring through ...
Leave a reply You can load and unload a specificLog4j 2configurationfilefor a givenEJB. How? Use@PreDestroyand@PostConstruct.This gives you separately deployable EJBs with separate Log4j configurations. Ka-Pow! For example: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 publi...
For those of us who aren't, thanks for the update. It appears he's very consistent in his time/speed. I think mine would be like 2 mph or less In part it is because he is able to pass ale houses. At Gary's pace, TheDawgz (who are the same age) would have been hauled off...
because I don’t know how to run backwards. So, the coach comes to me. He was Red Hickey. He says, ‘Son, you’re disappointing us. We thought you could make the adjustment. You have the speed. You have the size. We thought you’d be ...
By DonFiresmith (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0],via Wikimedia Commons Getting Started SinceShiftLeft is free for open source projects, I decided to look what it reports forApache Commons IO, anApache CommonsJava component. To get started, go to enter a ...
New STL-to-GCODE translator for RepRap printers. Contribute to garychan/Slic3r development by creating an account on GitHub.
The Wikileaks stuff and BOA stuff I am not a part of. The political end I have been working on for a good time, and this stuff has been ongoing elsewhere on the net before it spilled out here on the security side. It luckily spilled out over on this side, which eventually answered ...
29:45 Speed boat shuttle to the off-shore parasailing launch platform 30:50 BBQ meat grilling on White Beach footpath 31:16 Shoreline wedding celebration on White Beach 35:33 Feb. 13 time-lapse sunset from White Beach (5 min. sunset in only 20 sec.) 35:53 Rotisserie pig (as in the ...
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Internal PID Speed Controller PWM DA motor current controlVersion2016.6.18 Ananas 0.9.2 Support PWM DA for Motor Current Controlnote:Ananas does not support AS5600 any more. Because a big bug with errors caused by Time Different of I2C communication.HardWare...