云的出现为SaaS化防火墙的发展提供了有利条件,FWaaS(FireWall as a Service)开始演进和成熟。Gartner预测,到2026年,针对分布式分支机构新部署的防火墙中将有超过30%是以防火墙即服务形式(FWaaS)提供。Magic Quadrant图一. Magic Quadra... 文章2022-02-17来自:开发者社区 ...
Gartner, Magic Quadrant for Network Firewalls, Rajpreet Kaur, Adam Hils, Tom Lintemuth, 19 December 2022 GARTNER is a registered trademarks and service mark, and MAGIC QUADRANT is a registered trademark of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and internationally and are used here...
我们认为,依托全球网络的优势,Cloudflare 去年在安全服务边缘 (SSE) 市场取得了进一步的发展,因为越来越多客户采用Cloudflare One。我们利用 Web Application Firewall (WAF) 的功能来扫描攻击,且不影响运行速度;更将其应用到了现在的全面数据丢失防护 (DLP) 解决方案。我们调整了用于衡量网络性能的工具的用途,推出了适...
2.Gartner,Zero Trust 网络访问客户心声,由 Peer Insights 留言者提供,2024 年 1 月 30 日3.O网页链接GARTNER 是 Gartner, Inc. 和/或其附属公司在美国和全球的注册商标和服务商标,MAGIC QUADRANT 和 PEER INSIGHTS 均为注册商标,The GARTNER PEER INSIGHTS CUSTOMERS’ CHOICE 徽章是 Gartner, Inc. 和/或其...
近日,国际咨询机构Gartner®发布了2022年度网络防火墙魔力象限《Magic Quadrant™ for Network Firewalls 2022》,阿里云凭借云防火墙及其执行力和前瞻性连续2年进入“挑战者”象限。防火墙作为一种传统的安全边界类产品,自上世纪八十年代出现后约40年时间里几乎都是以硬件形式存在。云的出现为SaaS化防火墙的发展提供了有...
Security strategy:RUCKUS One comes with integrated NAC functionality at no extra cost, and the RUCKUS WAN Gateway provides network services such as microsegmentation, DNS and firewalling to switches and WLAN access points. Cautions Limited experience in large complex network requirements:RUCKUShas limite...
Security strategy:RUCKUS One comes with integrated NAC functionality at no extra cost, and the RUCKUS WAN Gateway provides network services such as microsegmentation, DNS and firewalling to switches and WLAN access points. Cautions Limited experience in large complex network requirements:RUCKUShas limite...
Gartner Magic Quadrant for Network Firewalls 2021 Published 1 November 2021 回到顶部 战略规划假设 到2025 年,30% 的分布式分支机构防火墙新部署将切换到防火墙即服务,而 2021 年这一比例不到 10%。 到2025 年底,35% 的终端用户在网络防火墙上的支出将来自同一供应商的企业许可协议 (ELA) 提供的更大的安全交...
Gartner states, “By 2025, over 50% of network firewall deployments will involve more than two deployment factors from the same vendor—up from less than 10% in 2023.” The Gartner® Market Guide for Hybrid Mesh Firewall Platforms offers guidance for navigating the evolution from network fir...
Mentioned in theGartner Magic Quadrant™ for Network Firewalls as a Visionary[3].Sangfor NGAFis the world's first AI-enabled, WAF-integrated next-generation firewall (NGFW) designed with robust malware detection and response capabilities to secure the network from malicious intrusion and unknown z...