Mobile device management (MDM) is still a separate market, but organizations are increasingly looking to use a single vendor and management platform to support their PCs, Macs and mobile devices.Rich DohenyTerrence Cosgrove
2023 Gartner ABI魔力象限发布 帆软连续3年被荣誉提及能力凸显 【环球科技网】近日,国际知名调研机构、BI概念提出者Gartner发布了2023年分析与商业智能平台魔力象限报告(《Magic Quadrant for Analytics and Business Intelligence Platforms》,以下简称“报告”)。报告中,Gartner对近几年BI发展趋势、未来市场需求进行了...
近日,国际知名调研机构、BI概念提出者Gartner发布了2023年分析与商业智能平台魔力象限报告(《Magic Quadrant for Analytics and Business Intelligence Platforms》,以下简称“报告”)。报告中,Gartner对近几年BI发展趋势、未来市场需求进行了详细的阐述,并由此圈定了现代分析与BI平台的12项关键功能领域,面向全球评选出入选魔...
近日,国际知名调研机构、BI概念提出者Gartner发布了2023年分析与商业智能平台魔力象限报告(《Magic Quadrant for Analytics and Business Intelligence Platforms》,以下简称“报告”)。报告中,Gartner对近几…
思迪博在2021 Gartner主数据管理解决方案魔力象限中被评为挑战者 2021年12月14日,丹麦奥尔胡斯,Stibo Systems(思迪博软件),多域主数据管理(MDM)解决方案的全球领导者,在2021年12月Gartner® 发布的主数据管理解决方案Magic Quadrant™(魔力象限)报告中,被评定为挑战者①。我们相信,在这份报告中,您可以...
近日,国际知名调研机构、BI概念提出者Gartner发布了2023年分析与商业智能平台魔力象限报告(《Magic Quadrant for Analytics and Business Intelligence Platforms》,以下简称“报告”)。报告中,Gartner对近几年BI发展趋势、未来市场需求进行了详细的阐述,并由此圈定了现代分析与BI平台的12项关键功能领域,面向全球评选出入选魔...
日前,Gartner发布2022年网络防火墙魔力象限报告《Magic Quadrant for Network Firewalls, 2022》,Palo Alto Networks(派拓网络)凭借平台级安全方法和为客户提供一流网络安全的能力,又一次当选该报告“领导者象限”。这已经是Palo Alto Networks(...
In the 2020 Magic Quadrant for Master Data Management Solutions report, Gartner, Inc. evaluated the strengths and cautions of 13 MDM solution providers, with TIBCO named in the Leaders quadrant. Vendors are plotted by Gartner based on their ability to execute and their completeness of vision. ...
MDM / Gartner has recognized Tamr for the first time in its Magic Quadrant for Master Data Management! We believe this is a strong indicator that the market is ready to embrace a modern, augmented approach to master data management. Inclusion in the Magic Quadrant is a reflection of the succ...
Gartner 不对本研究作出任何明示或暗示的保证,包括对任何特定用途的适销性或适用性作出的保证。 本文翻译自 VMware 终端用户计算系统产品 (EUC) 营销高级总监 Jeff McGrath 的博客文章VMware Named a Leader in 2019 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Unified Endpoint Management Tools。