1月 28 日,Gartner 发布了《数据科学和机器学习平台魔力象限》(Magic Quadrant for Data Science and Machine Learning Platforms),并表示:“数据科学和机器学习市场是健康、活跃的,众多供应商提供了一系列产品。这个市场正在经历一场‘大爆炸’,这场‘大爆炸’不仅重新定义了应由谁来做数据科学和机器学习,还重新定...
魔力象限(Magic Quadrant)是什么?魔力象限是知名咨询公司 Gartner 发布的一种市场研究报告,用于展示特定...
Gartner ABI魔力象限的启示 前不久,Gartner发布了《2022分析和商业智能平台魔力象限》(《Magic Quadrant for Analytics and Business Intelligence Platforms》简称ABI魔力象限报告)。 从报告名称上我们就可以看出,传统的BI魔力象限变成了ABI分析与商业智能魔力象限。这意味着,数据分析与商业智能的业务之间的界限越来越模糊,...
As a world-class referee in the IT field and a proposer of the concept of Business Intelligence, Gartner has high authority in the evaluation of vendors. Its Magic Quadrant for analyzing competing vendors in a specific category has attracted more and more attention in the IT field. Google, Mi...
芝加哥--(美国商业资讯)--领先的实时供应链可见性公司FourKites今天宣布,该公司在2023年Gartner®实时运输可见性平台*(RTTVP)魔力象限™(Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Real-Time Transportation Visibility Platforms* (RTTVPs))中被评为领导者,至此该公司已连续第三年蝉联此殊荣。在报告中,Gartner对9家供应...
Summary: 2024 will be an interesting year for low-code enthusiasts One conclusion that is the clearest to me from Gartner’s new report is that the interest in low-code tools remains very strong. There are 17 capable, fast-growing platforms in the magic quadrant, and they have already found...
Magic Quadrant Figure 1: Magic Quadrant for Analytics and Business Intelligence Platforms Gartner (June 2024) Vendor Strengths and Cautions Alibaba Cloud Alibaba Cloud is a Challenger in this Magic Quadrant. It competes primarily in the Asia/Pacific market. Alibaba Cloud is the largest public cloud...
Augmented capabilities are becoming key differentiators for analytics and BI platforms, at a time when cloud ecosystems are also influencing selection decisions. This Magic Quadrant will help data and analytics leaders evolve their analytics and BI technology portfolios in light of these changes. 在云生...
I've just updated The Popularity of Data Science Software to reflect my take on Gartner's 2019 report, Magic Quadrant for Data Science and Machine Learning Platforms. To save you the trouble of digging through all 40+ pages of my report, here's just the
project44 named a Leader in the Magic Quadrant for Real-Time Transportation Visibility Platforms (RTTVP) for the fourth year in a row. project44 连续第四年被评为实时交通可视化平台魔力象限 (RTTVP) 的领导者。 In addition to the Magic Quadrant report, project44 was positioned highest in all Use...