近日,Gartner®发布了首份《Magic Quadrant™ for Cloud Application Platforms》报告,华为凭借应用运行平台入选该魔力象限,也是亚洲唯一入选厂商。 根据报告:“Gartner将云应用平台定义为提供托管应用运行环境以及集成能力来管理应用或应用组件生命周期的平台。这些平台通常支持分布式应用部署,并支持云化操作(如弹性、多租...
近日,Gartner发布2024年《Magic Quadrant for Cloud HCM Suites for 1,000+Employee Enterprises》(千人以上规模企业HCM云魔力象限),用友再次入围该魔力象限报告,并成为唯一连续两年入选的中国厂商。 本次魔力象限对全球范围内的HCM厂...网页链接
A Magic Quadrant is a tool that provides a graphical competitive positioning of technology providers to help you make smart investment decisions. Thanks to a uniform set of evaluation criteria, a Magic Quadrant provides a view of the four types of technology providers in any given field: ...
日前,国际权威研究机构Gartner 2021年度《Magic Quadrant for Cloud AI Developer Services》研究报告正式出炉,腾讯云成为唯一两年连续入围的中国厂商。其中,腾讯云AI在“执行能力”(产品、服务、销售等)维度的位次位居国内厂商第一。作为全球最具权威的IT研究与顾问咨询公司,Gartner每年都会发布不同领域的市场调研报告。
Gartner: Magic Quadrant for Cloud IaaS And Web Hosting ProvidersJeevak Kasarkod
Gartner®は、「2024 Magic Quadrant™ for Cloud HCM Suites for 1,000+ Employee Enterprises」において、オラクルを9年連続でリーダーに選出し、「ビジョンの完全性」において7年連続で最高評価を与えました。1「9年連続でリーダーに選ばれたことは、お客様の成功に向けた私たちのコミットメ...
Infrastructure and operations leaders should evaluate cloud providers with a broad range of use cases and a wide market presence. Included in Full Research Market Definition/Description Magic Quadrant Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria Evaluation Criteria Context Market Overview Analysts: Raj Bala,...
2022 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Public Cloud IT Transformation Services As public cloud has become more critical to business functions, it’s important to understand which public cloud IT transformation service providers are best equipped to help organisations drive positive busine...
Databricks is proud to announce that Gartner® has again named us a Leader in the 2024 Magic Quadrant™ for Cloud Database Management Systems. Gartner evaluated Databricks alongside AWS, Google and 17 other vendors and cited Databricks as “the innovator of the lakehouse architecture.” Download...