Power BI február 18, 2021készítette:Arun Ulagaratchagan Today we’re announcing that for the 14th consecutive year1 Microsoft has been positioned as a Leader in the 2021 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Analytics and Business Intelligence Platforms. For the third year, Microsoft is positioned furthest...
Gartner Analytics and BI Bake-off 2023: Analysis of Flooding and Flood Mitigation Features Metrics Metrics Power BI 24 März, 2023vonPatrick Baumgartner Each year, as part of the Gartner Data and Analytics Summit, Gartner invites vendors from the Magic Quadrant for Analytics and Business Intelligen...
(结束了)从某种意义上来看,PowerBI可以说是得到了第一的荣誉,当然,我想吐槽PowerBI的编辑去干嘛了,去约会了吧,看看人家Tableau吧,学着点。 Tableau 的获奖感言 https://www.tableau.com/about/blog/2019/2/tableau-7-years-leader-2019-gartner-magic-quadrant-101644 还是这边热闹啊。以及: https://www.tableau...
Gartner 每年都会发布各个 IT 细分领域的分析报告,比如今年的Magic Quadrant for Analytics and Business Intelligence Platforms ( ABI ),分析与商业智能 BI 平台魔力象限。在这里强调的是从业务角度的分析 Analytics 和工具角度的 BI 平台,共同组成了 ABI 的概念。 Magic Quadrant 魔力象限以二维模型来阐述各个厂商、...
Our initial takeaway from this year’s Magic Quadrant is that the companies seemed to have been clustered more into the middle of the graph, as Gartner predicts a fundamental shift in the BI and analytics market to be on the horizon. They project that the BI and...
Gartner 每年都会发布各个 IT 细分领域的分析报告,比如今年的Magic Quadrant for Analytics and Business Intelligence Platforms ( ABI ),分析与商业智能 BI 平台魔力象限。在这里强调的是从业务角度的分析 Analytics 和工具角度的 BI 平台,共同组成了 ABI 的概念。
简介:日前,国际权威分析机构Gartner发布2021年商业智能和分析平台魔力象限报告(《Magic Quadrant for Analytics and BusinessIntelligence Platforms》以下简称ABI领域魔力象限),阿里云Quick BI再度入选,并继续成为该领域唯一入选魔力象限的中国企业。从报告中,我们看到Gartner ABI领域魔力象限的评选条件全面且严苛,2021年的评选...
Recently, Gartner released the2023 Magic Quadrant for Analytics and Business Intelligence Platforms, which highlights the latest trends in BI development and future market demands. Based on this, the report defines the 12 key areas of functionality for modern analytics and business intelligence platforms...
As a world-class referee in the IT field and a proposer of the concept of Business Intelligence, Gartner has high authority in the evaluation of vendors. Its Magic Quadrant for analyzing competing vendors in a specific category has attracted more and more attention in the IT field. Google, Mi...