前不久,Gartner发布了《2022分析和商业智能平台魔力象限》(《Magic Quadrant for Analytics and Business Intelligence Platforms》简称ABI魔力象限报告)。 从报告名称上我们就可以看出,传统的BI魔力象限变成了ABI分析与商业智能魔力象限。这意味着,数据分析与商业智能的业务之间的界限越来越模糊,未来也将不可分割。 对比20...
Блогпо Microsoft Power BI БлогGartner Magic QuadrantПубликациистегом: Gartner Magic QuadrantMicrosoft named a Leader in the 2022 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Analytics and BI Platforms Power BI 25 марта, 2022 Автор: Kim Manis Today we’re ...
近日,世界著名IT研究及顾问咨询公司Gartner发布2022年Magic Quadrant for Analytics and Business Intelligence Platforms(魔力象限报告),帆软软件继2021年被提及后再度被该份Gartner报告列为”Honorable Mentions”(荣誉提及)之一。 作为IT领域世界级裁判、BI概念的提出者,Gartner在厂商测评方面有非常强的权威性,其针对特定...
The article discusses the business intelligence (BI) on magic quadrant report by Gartner Research Inc. It indicates that the powering trend for analytics and BI is moving towards decentralization and user empowerment due to a new breed of data-discovery software tools. Gartner analyst Kurt Schlegel...
简介:日前,国际权威分析机构Gartner发布2021年商业智能和分析平台魔力象限报告(《Magic Quadrant for Analytics and BusinessIntelligence Platforms》以下简称ABI领域魔力象限),阿里云Quick BI再度入选,并继续成为该领域唯一入选魔力象限的中国企业。从报告中,我们看到Gartner ABI领域魔力象限的评选条件全面且严苛,2021年的评选...
Our initial takeaway from this year’s Magic Quadrant is that the companies seemed to have been clustered more into the middle of the graph, as Gartner predicts a fundamental shift in the BI and analytics market to be on the horizon. They project that the BI and...
Power BI 三月25, 2022由Kim Manis Today we’re announcing that for the 15th consecutive year Microsoft has been positioned as a Leader in the 2022 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Analytics and Business Intelligence Platforms. We’ve also been positioned furthest to the right for Completeness of Vision...
has attracted more and more attention in the IT field. Google, Microsoft, Oracle, IBM, and other world technology giants are very concerned about the evaluation of the Gartner Magic Quadrant. 73% of the world’s top 500 CIOs also regard Gartner Magic Quadrant as an important evaluation basis...
近日,国际权威分析机构Gartner发布2022年商业智能和分析平台魔力象限报告(《Magic Quadrant for Analytics and Business Intelligence Platforms》以下简称ABI领域魔力象限),阿里云Quick BI成为该领域唯一一家连续三年入榜的中国产品! 作为BI市场知名权威评测报告,ABI领域魔力象限的角逐一直很激烈,其评选标准包括产品能力、市场...
近日,Gartner权威发布了《2021年分析与商业智能平台魔力象限报告》(《Magic Quadrant for Analytics and Business Intelligence Platforms》简称ABI魔力象限报告)。作为业内的权威报告,魔力象限在分析与BI平台供应商和用户中受到了非常广泛的关注,可以说是行业风向标。本文尝试对该报告进行解读,帮助从业者分析现状、了解...