GenAI Hype Cycle Area No. 1: GenAI models Pretrained AI models are evolving to become multimodal and are being instruction-trained to be conversational. Innovations that fall under this category include: Foundation models: Large-parameter models that are trained on a spectrum of datasets in a ...
several other emerging AI techniques also offer immense potential to enhance digital customer experiences, make better business decisions and distinguish yourself among your competition,” Gartner contributor Lori Perri wrote in the Gartner blog post“What’s New in the 2023 Gartner Hype Cycle for Emerg...
Gartner曾在《2023安全运营技术成熟度曲线》报告中首次将生成式网络安全AI(Generative Cybersecurity AI)列入技术萌芽期,定义其“通过从大型原始源数据存储库中学习,生成与安全相关和其他相关内容、策略、设计和方法的新衍生版本,可以作为公共或私有托管云服务交付,也可以嵌入安全管理接口,还可以与软件代理集成以采取行动”。
The Gartner hype cycle is a concept used to predict the development of an emerging technology - but how does it work?
Generative artificial intelligence (AI) is positioned on the Peak of Inflated Expectations on the Gartner, Inc. Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies, 2023, projected to reach transformational benefit within two to five years. Generative AI is ...
日前,全球科技咨询与研究机构 Gartner 发布了《Hype Cycle for Data Management 2023》(2023 年数据管理技术成熟度曲线报告),PingCAP 凭借技术积累和产品优势,入选报告“用于数据管理的生成式人工智能”(Generative AI for Data Management)和“多云和混合云数据管理”(Intercloud Data Management)代表厂商。
日前,全球科技咨询与研究机构 Gartner 发布了《Hype Cycle for Data Management 2023》(2023 年数据管理技术成熟度曲线报告),PingCAP 凭借技术积累和产品优势,入选报告“用于数据管理的生成式人工智能”(Generative AI for Data Management)和“多云和混合云数据管理”(Intercloud Data Management)代表厂商。
日前,全球科技咨询与研究机构 Gartner 发布了《Hype Cycle for Data Management 2023》(2023 年数据管理技术成熟度曲线报告),PingCAP 凭借技术积累和产品优势,入选报告“用于数据管理的生成式人工智能”(Generative AI for Data Management)和“多云和混合云数据管理”(Intercloud Data Management)代表厂商。 Gartner《Hype...
Gartner defined five key phases in the cycle. Image: Gartner Five phases of the hype cycle The Innovation Trigger phase is all about building excitement. This is where a new technology likegenerative AIbegins to show some serious promise, and where engineers, marketers, and investor...
日前,全球科技咨询与研究机构 Gartner 发布了《Hype Cycle for Data Management 2023》(2023 年数据管理技术成熟度曲线报告),PingCAP 凭借技术积累和产品优势,入选报告“用于数据管理的生成式人工智能”(Generative AI for Data Management)和“多云和混合云数据管理”(Intercloud Data Management)代表厂商。