Garou (voiced by Hikaru Midorikawa and Greg Chun) is a martial arts prodigy who dubs himself the "Hero Hunter" in the manga and anime seriesOne-Punch Man. Though he spends much of his time as a villain, Bang eventually undertakes his rehabilitation so he can become a hero. Garou has sta...
Garou is a character from the 动画 One Punch Man 2. They have been indexed as 男性 成人 with 黄色 eyes and 白色 hair that is 齐耳 length. TraitAppearsOfficial 性别 男性 眼睛的颜色 黄色 头发颜色 白色 头发长度 齐耳 Apparent Age 成人 猫耳 No ...
【BD720P/OVA】一拳超人/ONE PUNCH-MAN OVA02【幻樱字幕组】 926 1 1:54 App [一拳超人(美服)] 红发饿狼!真的帅! 3156 -- 2:02 App A Theme Of One Punch Man~正義執行~ 58.2万 837 2:20 App 【一拳超人】bgm [A Theme of ONE PUNCH MAN~正義執行~] 74.5万 2344 14:55 App 【一拳...
歌曲名《Garou's Theme (From "One Punch Man Season 2") (Hybrid Orchestral Version)》,由 A V I A N D 演唱,收录于《Garou's Theme (From "One Punch Man Season 2") (Hybrid Orchestral Version)》专辑中,《Garou's Theme (From "One Punch Man Season 2") (Hybrid O
One Punch Man 2 Garou (Child) One Punch Man 2 Random M F X Animal Ears ☰ Menu >>> Play Voice Sample ID96052 NameGarou (Child) Other Namesガロウ Wealth RoleUnsorted FromOne Punch Man 2 Media Typeanime Voiced ByAyumi Mano, 真野あゆみ, まの あゆみ ...
渚不在乎创建的收藏夹渚不在乎内容:【特别分享】One-Punch Man S3 "Garou" - Ladykiller!「AMV/EDIT」4K,如果您对当前收藏夹内容感兴趣点击“收藏”可转入个人收藏夹方便浏览
Garou vs. Death Gatling, Smile Man, Stinger, Chain'n'toad, Wild Horn, Glasses, Shooter and Gun Gun 81, 82 22, 23 Win Garou vs. Genos 82, 83 23 Interrupted by Bang Garou vs. Bang and Bomb 84, 85 24 Interrupted by Phoenix Man Garou vs. Saitama (Dine-and-Dash) 88 None Loss...
In the latest chapter ofOne-Punch Man,Garoudefinitively proved that he has surpassed his roots. While Garou has become increasingly powerful over the course of the Monsters Association arc, he still has deep-rooted feelings stemming from his past failures. Now he has finally laid those insecuritie...
1.Garou One Punch Man 2.Garou One Punch Man 3.Mob Psycho 100 4.Berserk Manga Eclipse 5.Boruto #wallpaper #壁纸分享 #wallpape - AshzZ于20240730发布在抖音,已经收获了40个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!