Epix (Gen 2) Series fēnix 6 Series fēnix 7 Series fēnix 8 Series Fenix E Instinct 2 Series Instinct 3 Instinct E Instinct Solar MARQ (Gen 2) Golf Last Activity: 2 hours ago Approach G12 Approach G20 Solar Approach G80 Approach R10 ...
但遗憾的是,在Fenix7的文件目录中并未找到该路径,这可能是由于产品设计的变更。此外,佳明可能已采取措施,使得无法再通过简单的id枚举来获取官方固件。 方法二(已成功验证) 感谢xhs网友@泛太熙在https://forums.garmin.com分享的经验,我已成功获取并安装了13.22版本的固件。同时,也要感谢@吉吉在其Fenix7s上进行了...
Fenix 7 https://www8.garmin.com/support/download_details.jsp?id=15909 Fenix 7X https://www8.garmin.com/support/download_details.jsp?id=15911 第二种方式(验证成功) 感谢xhs网友@泛太熙的帖子https://forums.garmin.com/beta-program/fenix-7-series/f/announcements/340009/beta-version-14-23---chec...
Fenix 7 https://www8.garmin.com/support/download_details.jsp?id=15909 Fenix 7X https://www8.garmin.com/support/download_details.jsp?id=15911 第二种方式(验证成功) 感谢xhs网友@泛太熙的帖子https://forums.garmin.com/beta-program/fenix-7-series/f/announcements/340009/beta-version-14-23---chec...
Garmin Fenix 3 HR 开箱+简单评测 只看楼主 收藏 回复 _ExcLaMaTiOn FR235 9 应该是国内第一批拿到手的吧,购于海淘,2月1号预定,2月5号发货,2月22号中午拿到手。一、废话不多说,先是开箱。1. 盒子正面2. 盒子背面3. 本体4. 全家福5. 表和充电器6. 上手照,和普通Fenix 3没有区别,就不多放图了...
But the TopoActive map of China ML should be available when I watch the videoSupport: fēnix® 7 Map Manager - YouTube Does anyone have the idea how to fix the problem? Thanks.
Problems using Twitter and Fenix on new iPad Air - iPadOS 15.7 (close enough?) [SOLVED] When I go to post a tweet in the Twitter app or Fenix, I can choose from a number of images to accompany the tweet. Most of these images pre-date my new iPad Air and were created on my old...
天气不显示fenix3 只看楼主 收藏 回复贴吧用户_0PZSRNb sport 3 我真不是你爸ok sport 3 同样的问题我也在找答案 辣子辣0 FR235 9 早就关天气插件了,我的正常显示,超过一段时间就没了,要再点一次connect,没意思孤城叶枫1983 vivofit 1 我也一样,怎么解决 jeansom FR30 7 苹果等下次GCM...
I have the Etrex SE and have been having good tracklogs last couple of days. Displayed on Garmin explore you can see the accuracy difference vs Fenix watch. Lines match up with pathing. Without much hindering line of sight though. Battery life so far is good. I just got SE couple days...