But I have no interest in paying another $59/year just to be able to pull data through Garmin Connect and through Sporttracks Mobi into the desktop app. Cabling up to the laptop would be nice to avoid, but not at that price. Reply Mark Cathcart June 26, 2015 at 12:23 pm #70 ...
I am looking for a windows computer or laptop that's good enough to do all this work as my current machine is a mac. Yeah, sorry lol:) Can't use that link at the moment, but will soon. My son is helping also as he has a windows machine and is learning coding at uni. Yes, I...
close(3) in netlib_connectsock()netlib_connectsock() returns socket on fd 3{"class":"VERSION","release":"2.94","rev":"2010-05-13T11:53:05","proto_major":3,"proto_minor":2}{"class":"DEVICES","devices":[]}{"class":"WATCH","enable":true,"json":true,"nmea":false,"raw":0...
With Connect IQ, epix can be completely customized to suit the needs of the user. Connect IQ is the first-ever open platform for third-party developers to create apps and widgets for Garmin products. Through the Connect IQ store in the Garmin Connect Mobile app, users can upload customized ...