Every process is tended by hand from separating the garlic seed cloves, planting each individual clove, mulching, weeding and cutting the scapes. When it is harvest time, the bulbs are removed by hand, tied in bundles, and hung in the barn to dry and cure. After curing, the bulbs are ...
Hardneck garlic is a true superstar. Unlike its softneck sibling, it boasts larger cloves packed with intense flavor. But that's not all! These garlic plants also produce edible scapes – curly green stems that taste like a milder garlic. Imagine pesto made with your own homegrown ingredients...
I hope you like the recipe, and I’m posting this now because garlic scapes are in season right now and it’s the perfect time to make this side dish. Run out now and get some, and let me know how your maneuljjong-bokkeum turns out! Ingredients Serves 4 1 pound garlic scapes 3 ...
Elephant garlic is a larger plant than normal garlic but grows much the same way. You need to remove the scapes in early summer, just like hardneck garlic, and harvest the plants when the foliage begins to turn yellow and brown. Once dried out, it has no problem lasting all winter, and...
In early June, the fall-planted garlic will begin to produce garlic scapes. A garlic scape is the curly flower stalk of a hardneck garlic plant, and they’re not really a concern with softneck varieties. Many home gardeners hate the chore of removing the scapes, while others think of the...
which is why we cut them off. You can let the scapes go and plant the little bulbils, but it will take more than a season to get full-sized garlic bulbs. Growers sometimes to this to avoid soil-borne diseases if this is an issue with the original stock. There has been a lot of ...
Chives, Garlic Chives, Onion Chives, Garlic Scapes – Which One Do You have? Leek Moth on Garlic: Identification, Prevention, and Control Video on Planting Garlic Video on Harvesting Garlic Video on Garlic Nematode If you like this post, please share ......
parchment-like skins and do not store as well as softnecks. However, they do peel easier. The term ‘serpent garlic’ comes from Rocamboles, which have curling top scapes that produce seeds called bubils. Bubils may be planted which in 2-3 years will mature into full-sized garlic bulbs...