Overall, I think this is the best animated television series to ever come out of this country. If you at all appreciate the art form, you'll wonder where this show has been all your life. In a time when comedies are saturating both the primetime and daytime cartoon markets, it's nice...
Co-created and co-produced by Greg Weisman,Gargoylesis the critically-acclaimed animated series from Walt Disney Animation which ran from October 1994 to February 1997, running for 78 episodes in total across both syndication and network television platforms.Gargoylescurrently airs in reruns in numerous...
The show also marked a turn for Disney TV animation with its darker themes of death and rebirth, and probably marked the first time blood was animated in a Disney cartoon. Behind the show were people like Greg Weisman, the creator and producer of the show, and Frank Paur, the show’s ...
The episode we got felt like it would have fit in far better with "X-Men: The Animated Series" Hmm, I'd have to disagree with that. X-Men actually managed to have the trial of Beast play out over most of the entire first season. It's far from rushed as Weisman feels The Goliath...
In the long history of animated TV shows, the 1990s was a time of speaking to the audience rather than at them, proven out by the different shows included in this guide to our cartoon yesteryears.