Don’t Give Up on Those Winter Damage Plants Yet! January 2, 2023 by Dave The recent blast of cold that barreled through our country last week caused lots of plant damage. It was unavoidable. The temperature dropped from the 50’s to -3° F in a matter of a few hours. That is ...
Do this to your climbing rose now, to make sure it behaves this summer: expert tips from a head gardener Plants for February Winter flowers: experts' choice of winter flowering plants Gardens to visit which gardens to visit and where
Come explore one of the largest full service garden centres and greenhouses in NB. Hundreds of varieties of indoor & seasonal outdoor plants.
The Mid-Atlantic's Premier Destination for Proven Winners Plants Proven Winners Wintering Plants Highlight Homestead Gardens is proud of our partnership with Proven Winners®. You can trust that your Proven Winners plants will have outstanding foliage, blooms, and harvests! Want to learn more? He...
Discover whether you should cut back coleus plants ahead of the incoming cold weather, along with expert tips for how to cut back coleus for winter
Pruning Tips for Hedges. Try to keep the top of the hedge slightly smaller than the bottom so that the lower branches are not shaded. You can shear the hedge up to about 6 weeks before your first frost, but then you should stop to allow protection of longer growth during the winter. ...
Come shop the widest selection of plants in Northwest Arkansas to build the garden of your dreams. We grow most of our plants locally and have been a family-owned business for 50 years. Visit any of our four locations for annuals, perennials, trees, shru
Fig. 8.4 shows an automated growing farm which was exhibited in the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair in 2015 in Toronto. This vertical unit can be easily installed in any shipping container. It even has a place for pollinators to feed and pollinate the plants inside the unit. Sign in to down...
Tips and information for the gardener about plants, products, and outdoor living What About Planting for Winter-Things You Can Do What About Planting for Winter-Things You Can Do November 26, 2017adminComments0 Comment In the past few months we have seen summer’s heat give way to milder ...
Please note: some plants are in short supply. If you are looking for a particular plant, please call or email before driving a long way. We cannot guarantee that the plant you are looking for will be available all season. Some plants may not survive our winter, so the list may change ...