Gertrude Jekyll(下文简称Jekyll)在英式园林发展史上具有举足轻重的地位,虽然是没有接受过正式园艺培训的“业余爱好者”,但她却是过去200年来最具影响力的园艺家之一。她独特的花园风格和大片自然多彩的花境,后来也被众多优秀的设计师效仿: Hidcote Manor Gardens /Lawrence Johnston Sissinghurst Castle Garden /Vita Sa...
Present-day gardeners will be intrigued by some of the information in the back of the book. For the George Cukor Garden, for instance, there is a “Plant List for Spring Border, September, 1936” which includes tulips with names such as ‘Lemon Queen’ and ‘Altesa,’ ranunculus and dimo...
Back through the fragrant Rose Garden, designed by Sir Edwin Lutyens to offer cool shade you’ll find yet more stunning views. For more information about the pioneering plantswoman Gertrude Jekyll, visit the official Gertrude Jekyll website....
This book provides invaluable information on garden restoration, insights into craftsmanship, and planting relationships, and provides a (NBN)JekyllGertrude / WeaverLawrence
This prize winning rose looks like it might be ‘Gertrude Jekyll’ Class 24 My Garden in a Box Winning entry Class 24 My Garden in a Box Class 24 My Garden in a Box Class 24 My Garden in a Box Class 24 My Garden in a Box Class 24 My Garden in a BoxThird prize Further reading:...
Its creator Henry Avray Tipping, then a leading authority on architecture and garden design, designed many gardens of his own and for others including Chequers and was a friend and contemporary of Gertrude Jekyll. Helena's passion for her garden with its fantastic views out over the Brecon Bea...
much loved eccentric plants-man and writer Christopher Lloyd, who used the garden as a living laboratory and documented his experiments in a weekly column in Country Life, Great Dixter began life as a Gertrude Jekyll inspired Arts and Crafts garden surrounding a house designed by Edwin Lutyens. ...
The Gardens include Coplestone Warre Bampfylde's Georgian landscape garden, the Victorian terrace and shrubbery and the beautiful Edwardian garden design by Sir Edwin Lutyens and Gertrude Jekyll. All have undergone restoration and today provide important examples of gardens in contrasting styles that ...
I mentioned Russell Page, but Gertrude Jekyll was equally important. How have you incorporated their voices into your garden? Or have you gone beyond their inspiration? Over the course of the years, I detached myself from their teachings and relied on my own judgement. I developed an ambition...
Gertrude Jekyll, the grandmother of all modern private gardens made a 200 feet long border at Munstead Wood, the place where she lived. The Long Border here in Viller measures only 115 feet (35m) but has flowers on both sides. Therefore it forms a nice opportunity for me to become ...