不用换票扫码进🟣花穹(Flower Dome)▫全球蕞大玻璃温室,里面有来自五大洲的奇花异草,四季如春▫超棒的是这个夏天有限时的💓莫奈印象展 🟠OCBC空中步道(OCBC skyway)▫在22米高的空中走廊上漫步,可以俯瞰整个花园和滨海湾的美景。
Gardens by the BayWonderful Trees, Cool Flower Dome (穹顶) andCloud Forestardens by the Bay, the newest Singaporeattractions this year, is in the heart of theMarina Bay (滨海湾) and aims to becomethe world's mostimportanttropical (热带的) garden.The attraction actually has three separate...
Gardens by the Bay is an iconic Singapore destination and is undoubtedly at the top of every visitor’s itinerary to the city. Its waterfront gardens (Bay South, Bay East, and Bay Central) and Conservatories (the Flower Dome and Cloud Forest), as well as Floral Fantasy and the Supertree...
滨海湾花园Gardens by the Bay接着沿桥上往前走,可以清楚地看到花穹Flower Dome(下图左)和云雾林Cloud Forest(下图右),以及位于其侧面的由三颗擎天大树Supert
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如果新加坡只能去一個景點,那超推薦濱海灣花園 Gardens by the Bay, Flower Dome 花穹 和 Cloud Forest 雲霧森林 不過今天要介紹的是雲霧森林,因為這個展區真的超棒超涼快的,主要是新加坡平均的溫度 - 露西維納斯于20240606发布在抖音,已经收获了3515个喜欢,来抖音
Gardens by the Bay: Lilytopia @Flower Dome(附有360度Lilytopia 全景图) Lilytopia 顾名思义是“百合花”展览,在这一次主题里我们可以一口气看到了世界各地多个国家的百合花品种,百合花主要分布在亚洲东部、欧洲、北美洲等北半球温带地区,连马来西亚也有种植百合,百合需要维持在在24度摄氏左右,每年6-8月是花开的...
Book your Gardens by the Bay tickets here with discounts to visit two popular conservatories, Cloud Forest and Flower Dome, while you're in Singapore!
Gardens by the Bay 🌹 Flower Dome花穹,拍照圣地了,几乎是people mountain people sea[允悲]本“导游”表示虽然寄几也是第一次来,但是真心不觉得需要用这么久Queue for一张照片啊[摊手] Cloud forest云雾森林,...
#theBallroomGarden# 「Gardens by the Bay」新加坡的 Gardens by the Bay 建筑是由 Wilkinson Eyre Architects 团队设计,Grant Associates负责景观设计。获得白金等级的绿色公园项目以及WAF世界建筑奖。Gardens by the Bay是人类迄今最大的景观工程之一,可容纳226000棵左右植物,它最大的特点是拥有 Flower Dome 和 ...