A three-inch deep layer of DG provides an inexpensive path that is not hospitable to weed growth but weeds eventually will establish roots in the DG and their removal become a time-consuming maintenance task. While landscape fabric discourages weed growth from below, the weeds begin with seeds ...
With subtlety and a total lack of self consciousness, I come out of myself, look around, marvel at the majesty of what I am experiencing and begin to take note that I have entered some type of altered state of consciousness." - Fran Sorin ...
I don't know exactly what happened to her after she listened to my words. But from that day on, she stopped complaining completely. Instead, she would say "I am alright and I will start walking soon to water my plants. " After two and a half months we went to the doctor who had ...
awareness of the inner world and the outer. In other words, health requires balance and moderation. The goal of qigong may be summarized asxing ming shuang xiu, "spirit and body equally refined and cultivated." Cultivate your whole being, as you would cultivate a garden - with attention, ca...
A large swath of voters in the US elected a man-child to the highest office in the land. Some voted in denial of his words and deeds; others, as far as I can tell, didn’t care. No matter. The President-elect takes office Monday morning, coinciding with a federal holiday honoring ...
Jumping spider with prey. Photo: David Cappaert, Bugwood.org Writing a post about spiders has long been on the back of my mind, and a topic that has been requested multiple times. So as I sit in front of my fireplace on this snowy Montana evening, thinking back to the several spiderwe...
foun d mysel f in all kinds o f uncomfortabl e situations with D a d until I p romise d to car e for th e garden.T hough I h a d hear d th e words o f th e doctor,what really m a d e m e believ e that D a d was dyi ng was th e stat e o f his garden. ...
If you've wondered how to get Funding for your Startup, let an Investor who has funded over 500 companies show you the way Recent Posts Get Your Free Kindle Self-Help, How-To, Parenting & Nonfiction Books, Including With Coding for Beginners by Alan Hopper, Amazing Deals Helpful Free Ki...
with hints of cinnamon coloring. The bark defoliates (or peels) in lovely curls and instead of shedding the bark onto your lawn, this bark tends to be persistent. So you get the quality of peeling bark like a River Birch, but without the mess that Birches can leave on the ground below...
" It's just the term for wheat that has been separated from the hull but is otherwise unprocessed. In other words, it's whole wheat. In my posting on July 7, I showed you how to thresh and winnow the grain to yield these wheat berries. In this posting, I'll show you how to ...