Gardening and related advice. Website and free weekly newsletter for gardeners and homeowners in the Kansas City Metro Area.
University of Kansas. History of Food and Agriculture History of Gardening Bookstore History of Gardens and Landscapes in the Indian Subcontinent History of Organic Farming History of Science.Janet Stein Carter. Excellent resource. Index to American Botanical Literature. The New York Botanical Garden. ...
I’ve been following Jenny since she was living in Massachusetts as a newlywed. Her wonderful recipes drew me in, but after she and her husband moved to Kansas City, and had darling Emma, her home and later her shop is always filled with things to love and inspire. For a complete home...
"In 1800, approximately 75% of the population [America] were directly engaged in agricultural production. By 1850, it was less than 60% and by 1900, less than 40% were engaged in agricultural production." Modern Agriculture.1801John Chapman, Johnny Appleseed, begins planting apple trees in ...
Activities chosen and shared with teachers and parents must not only include information on the activity itself, but why it is important and how it can be implemented. For example, it's not enough to send a child home with a seed, you should also include an explanation about what children...
• Prof. Rafe Brown, University of Kansas, USA. • Prof. Brendan Buckley, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, USA. • Dr Rainer Bussmann, Missouri Botanical Garden, USA. • Dr Nicole Duplaix, Oregon State University, USA. • Dr Jackson Frechette, Fauna & Flora International, Cambodia....