but we love the bug quiz.. use it to learn some fun facts, but also as a bug hunt prompt once the weather is dry and you head back outdoors! Recycled planter ideas for Toddlers There are lots of ways you can get toddlers planting in the garden. I love introducing recycling concepts ...
Now why don't we start with a quiz question? Neil Good idea. Sophie What percentage of people in the UK said that gardening makes them happier, according to a survey conducted by the Royal Horticultural Society? Is it… a) 22% b) 52%...
One thing we were taught was. It was no use saying you know something if you could not put it down on paper. To put it down on paper you had to know what to write, and most importantly spell the words. So during our study time, we were paired off in twos and told to quiz each...
Yes, I am, Neil. And gardening is the subject of today's show! Now why don't we start with a quiz question? Neil Good idea. Sophie What percentage of people in the UK said that gardening makes them happier, according to a survey conducted...