Most cities that offer this will rent a small plot and to someone for a fee, or allow them to use it free of charge. Instead of dividing the and into separate plots, some cities allow everyone in the neighborhood to share and work on the same land. This method could be beneficial for...
I have been busy with the grandkids. The last week of May, my daughter got an offer for a full-time position starting on Memorial Day. I’m very happy for her because the grandkids are getting big. Autumn will be in the first grade next year. Nora will have one more year of presc...
Mother of Millions (Bryophyllum delagoense), a succulent plant with interesting leaves. It is native to Madagascar that “escaped” to Australia, where is it considered a noxious weed. Each plant produces small plantlets along the edges of its leaves that detach and form new plants. This make...
These possible elements of the landscape are not difficult or very expensive to accomplish, and could transform a flat rectangular garden into an interesting landscape. They also offer a fine opportunity for creativity in garden design, complementing the core activities of plant selection and placement...
The garden has been built on a south-facing slope covering 0.4 acres, using Gabbro boulders and subsoil mounded over the rubble. The topsoil was mixed with grit and sand to offer a free-draining environment for the plants. On summer days, with the rolling hills in the backdrop, the garde...
Succulent retailers in the Philippines offer this range of sizes. The fifth attribute was the size of the pot. The appropriate size of the pot depends on the size of the plant growing in it. A study by Poorter et al. [61] stated that doubling the pot size results in 43% more plant ...