The article offers information on the Oregon Coast Gardening & Landscaping Expo to be held in Newport, Oregon on June 26 to 27, 2009.GoldmanTaliaAmerican Gardener
Compost, raised beds, and unexpected finds – The Garden Professors™ on Cardboard does not belong on your soil. Period. Is snow really “poor man’s fertilizer?”– The Garden Professors™ on Underneath a blanket of snow The History and Science of Electroculture Gardening - Gardening Wiz...
The middle section of the daylily bed American Revolution blooming on July 4th “Adamas” in the foreground, “Woodside Romance” in the center, “Beautiful Edgings” in the back Nana’s Pride Peggy Jeffcoat Key to My Heart Spacecoast Behavior Pattern ...
Garden projects sometimes begin with a routine, manageable task that grows into a challenging project. That was a scenario on a recent occasion when I had gardening help for seasonal pruning of two large plants that had finished blooming. The day’s targets were two winter-blooming Mexican plant...
They say California has forced one of its big power companies to waste a huge amount of money on “renewable” boondoggle projects while failing to improve existing infrastructure. According to the video, failing power lines cause a lot of the fires, and one of the worst fires was caused ...
Well folks hope y’all enjoyed today’s post–it is the first in more than a year, and what I hope is the first in a series on garden elements; fences and gates, pathways, and other elements that help to personalize our gardens. ...
According to the hardiness zone maps, my area is a zone 5 – based on plants like Oregon grape, and trees like Western Red Cedar, which survive the winter because of our abundant snow pack. However, with summer frost the norm and our shorter frost free season, we plan our garden for ...
on either side of the hedge. Bastard trench the ground, ie double dig it. This entails digging out a trench 60cm (2ft) wide, removing the top spit of soil and thoroughly breaking up the second spit, ie the sub-soil. Then place the top spit of the next trench on top of the broken...
On our road trip across the US (south to Florida, then west to Tucson, Arizona, then north to Portland, Oregon) we spent nearly two weeks visiting family in the St. Petersburg area. Along the way, we stopped in Savannah, Georgia, my first time in that lovely city. An afternoon wasn’...
During the current dormant season, cleanup work is ongoing. This is a good time to take a hard look at each part of the garden to consider needs to prune or remove plants. While evaluating my garden’s bed of South African perennials, I focused on two plants that are members of the Am...