Gardening in a War Zone Edit It looks like we don't have any external reviews for this title yet.Be the first to contribute. Learn more Contribute to this page Suggest an edit or add missing content Learn more about contributing Edit page ...
Posted by Ed Hart (Zone 7b/8a Cen AL)June 19, 2023 Alabama GardeningVegetable Gardening2 CommentsUpdated June 19, 2023 Italian Cypress in ground help Posted by Irida MedinaMay 17, 2023 Alabama GardeningGarden ClinicTrees14 CommentsUpdated May 18, 2023+12 Italian Cypress help Posted by Irida Me...
Jasmine vine for trellis in New Jersey Posted by Jim MacJuly 24, 2023 New Jersey GardeningSuggestions?Vines5 CommentsUpdated July 26, 2023+3 Friend or foe - some sort of beetle? Posted by getgoing100_7b_njJuly 5, 2023 New Jersey GardeningIntegrated Pest ManagementGarden Clinic10 CommentsUpdate...
Welcome to my habitat gardens in Southeastern Pennsylvania, Zone 7b. I choose plants with both beauty and wildlife in mind and have converted my space to native plantings over the last decade. Perched at the edge of an oak and hickory remnant in the Northern piedmont ecoregion, my soils are...
Out of the 13 Planting Zones, Zone 1 is the coldest and Zone 13 the warmest, with a vast range in temperatures between the two extremes. Zone 1 ranges from -60 to -55°F, while Zone 13 ranges from 65°F to 70°F. Each Zone is further split into subsections of 5°F so that ...
After many years, I finally have a garden of my own, in my own backyard. Here in South Philly, we are Zone 7b. Our little ReNewbold community has about 10 shared garden plots, but because there was no one living next door to us at the time the beds were planted, we volunteered to...
Deb Elliott gardens near Helena Alabama in zone 7b. Her plants have coped with hard frosts, torrential rains, brutal droughts, strange fungal diseases, snowy blizzards and the odd tornado. Deb has a great garden blog where she shares her adventures and experiments with other plant and nature ...
Los Angeles (zone 9-11), Truckee, CA (zones 5b-7b), New Brunswick, NJ (6a-7a), cover a range depending on where you are in the city. See: (N. America)ZnMinimum Temp 1 < -50° F Fairbanks 2 -50 to -40° Prudhoe Bay, AK 3 -40 to -30° ...
In growing zone 5, September marks the start of cooler weather, making it an ideal time to plant certain vegetables that can tolerate frost
I live in central North Carolina, a region recently officially designated as part of the Zone 8 horticultural growing region. Before now, the region was designated part of Zone 7B. We gardeners knew this was coming. Winters have been growing increasingly mild, while the summers are becoming dow...