Home gardeners in South Florida are in seventh heaven right now – the weather is glorious, despite the few cold snaps we’ve had, thankfully not freezing. A “winter wonderland” in South Florida obviously does not mean a blanket of snow. Rather, it describes lush greenery everywhere and ...
Growing turmeric in south florida Posted by EricJanuary 27, 2018 Florida GardeningFlorida Garden Exchange25 CommentsUpdated May 6, 2024+23 Crinums..Can They Be Cut Back??? Posted by tropicalfreakJanuary 7, 2009 Florida Gardening10 CommentsUpdated May 5, 2024+8 Lilac's in Florida Posted by ma...
Urban Gardening Growing in South FloridaHenry, Dedrick D
which is a popular for lawns in southern United states, and Bermuda Buttercup (Oxalis pes-caprae), which has no friends that I have encountered. Both are South African natives, and both might have been introduced to the United
Welcome to my garden blog from the south of Finland, where I grow organic vegetables and flower borders, maintain the farmland and follow nature in the country. A gardening enthusiast private organic cottage and kitchen gardens in the south of Finland. A mix of vegetables, flowers, wildlife, ...
SW Florida Gardening About Me Hi, I’m Edna Kelly and I like to play in the dirt. Gardening, that is. I’m more or less retired from “real” work, so these days you can usually find me puttering around in the garden, in the shadehouse or with the chickens. My goal is to grow...
If you live anywhere in Florida south of Tampa to Melbourne for part of the year, Congratulations! You're a South Florida Snowbird, and this book's for you! Here are real answers to the unique challenges of gardening for South Florida Snowbirds!
Learning about what grows here in south Florida has exposed me to some rather oddball edibles. I want to start to expand on what I’ve learned about alternative items that add variety to the table. Food should be fun. Until the day where we all line up to eat our daily allotment of ...
Lack of Interest: Dozens of cities tied for being the least interested in naked gardening, nude gardening, or related Google searches. Among these: Rochester, Minnesota, Syracuse, New York, Flagstaff, Arizona, Rapid City, South Dakota, Tallahassee, Florida, Toledo, Ohio, Springfield, Missouri, ...