PlantSims Gardening skill overview Like all skills in The Sims 4, leveling up unlocks new interactions for your Sims. Level 1: This is the base level that lets you buy all Starter Seed Packets and perform basic plant interactions. Level 2: Your Sim can now research gardening on the computer...
Plants operate on a schedule such that they all need water at the same time of day with the most recent Sims 4 patches. At 6am, the game checks if the plant has been watered recently and if it's time for another drink, or if it should spawn weeds. With The Sims 4 Seasons, rain...
Whoops made a mistake all my plants were planted after seasons came out as I started a new Lets Play on YouTube so they were all fresh planted after. Like 0 Reply About The Sims 4 Bug Reports - Archive Community Highlights [READ FIRST] Compiled list of reported Issues crinrict ...
PlantSims Gardening skill overview Like all skills in The Sims 4, leveling up unlocks new interactions for your Sims. Level 1: This is the base level that lets you buy all Starter Seed Packets and perform basic plant interactions. Level 2: Your Sim can now research gardening on the computer...