the relatively gene pool in Australia. Arbour Grove Nursery at Woombye on the Sunshine Coast will be assisting with breeding and propagation of vines for trials. Australia has about 130 commercial growers presently. "Most of the passionfruit grown in Australia is for domestic consumption, so there...
Hunting for the Huckleberry; WEEKEND GARDENING JOBSByline: John HumphriesWestern Mail (Cardiff, Wales)
The vegetables and herbs in the following list can usually be grown or harvested during the fall and winter seasons. Whenever possible, choose a quick-maturing variety. Also consider your growing structure and the height of each plant, selecting a more compact variety for a short cold frame. A...
Marjory has had a passion for Greece since she and her family arrived in Australia from Scotland and her assigned ‘buddy’ at school was from a Greek family. In her twenties she worked in Athens and speaks enough Greek to organise a house, get a car and settle into life in rural Megali...
The Foxglove, Digitalis ‘Pam’s Choice’ has been grown for the main border. What have you planted for spring colour? Preparing Pelargoniums for Winter. One of the gardening jobs that has concentrated my mind this autumn has been preparing the growing pelargonium collection for the winter. I...
Then there is Australia, which is lost. There is no fourth land mass we can run to in order to establish a Christian society. The filth of the coming world is disturbing to think about. The whole world will be like the most degenerate cultures we now have. Consider “Palestine.” ...