Landscaping award named after Smith; Preservation Foundation honors ex-mayor by naming new gardening accolade after her.DARRELL HOFHEINZ
shovel comparison reveals distinct differences that are important to understand for anyone passionate about gardening or landscaping. This article aims to shed light […] Continue Reading →Soil February 9, 2024 Monica Hemingway Soil Testing Labs at Cooperative Extension Offices Listed State-by-State ...
Landscaping and different garden ornaments have been used throughout to create interest. Steps led you up to a terrace packed with planting creating different garden rooms to suit shady or sunny situations. Ornamental gates lead down to a rose garden and onto a large pond where members were happ...
While working as a landscape professional for over 20 years, Tom found local information on gardening and landscaping in print difficult to locate. After successfully completing a Master Gardener course, Tom recognized the need to assemble, publish and disseminate information of interest to the gardeni...
Natural Landscaping: Gardening With Nature To Create A Backyard Paradise, by Sally Roth Whether you yearn for a colorful meadow garden splashed with asters and black-eyed Susans, a shady garden filled with graceful woodland wildflowers and feathery ferns, or a poolside planting lush with Japanese...