欢迎大家在下方QA区留言,会尽可能去查证(但敏感问题不会回答) 【开箱项目】 水族馆 Aqua Garden 跃出水面 Outdoor Expansion 海的珍宝 Sea Jewelry Expansion 海的王者 Sea Kings Expansion KSE包 Kickstarter Rewards 纸板鱼Token 【游戏教学】 https://youtu.be/i2wjDQKBrnA 【基础资讯】 1~4人;40~60分钟 ...
(too weak, clumsy, and socially inept on the one hand, too smart on the other) as a child and youth, and having done battle with my own impatience and temper, I am perhaps more prepared than many to stand my ground and be not moved by even gale-force winds of political correctness....