But what I had begun to develop, and what has saved me from dejection after such sales calls, was a new mind-set: that I had just planted a seed, that I was not after a sale as much as I was after another opportunity to plant a seed. I really did not have to brace myself ...
If you have any questions or if you have tight or restricted access, just give us a call on 01244 280008 or send images to sales@dandys.com Quantity Calculations Topsoil and Sand Length (m) X Width (m) = m2 m2 X 1.2 X Depth (inches)... then divide your total by 36 = tonnes req...
Below, clockwise from top left, some garden knockouts in winter finery: Witch Hazel (Hamamelis virginiana) requires no dressing up!; Echinacea (Echinacea spp.) seedheads bedecked with snow; hardy yet dainty Rosemary (Salvia rosmarinus) in bloom; breathtaking Butcher’s Broom (Ruscus aculeatus). ...
I just cut an ‘X’ in the fabric but it could be used for direct planting of seeds too. Using landscape fabric saves me from having to weed, which I dislike, especially in the middle of summer when everything seems to be growing green and fast...
It is that time of year again when the seed and garden catalogs begin to fill the mailbox with their promise of spring flowers. While flipping through the glossy color pages admiring the colors of the blossoms and reading the brief but tantalizing descriptions of each species, it got me thin...
Unfortunately that deceptive marketing created enough fear and fervor that most seed companies had to start labeling their seeds “Non-GMO” just to preserve their sales and cut down on harassment from folks on social media trying to “call them out” for selling GMO seeds. Not until the ...
It will also tell me whether or not two plants will benefit each other if there are planted next to each other or not. I like that I can also pick a variety so I can lay out my garden correctly and most efficiently. Also has a section (seed box) where you can input your seeds ...
Just writing up this little plan has brought me so much joy on a gray winter day. I hope you are well and, like me, dreaming of warmer and more colorful days to come. Categories: Gardening, Practical | Tags: edible landscaping, landscaping, seed starting, small-space gardening, vegetable...
Outdoor Tool Sheds Near Me Garden Shed Garden Storage House Rdsa8X10-GS2- with Base Top Sales Sturding Steel Shed for Storage Metal Shed Garden Shed Rdsa1114-CS2 Garden Storage House Garden-Shed Wooden Shed Outdoor Tool Shed with Base ...
He sidled over to the seed section and took a few packets off the rack. “I've got an idea,” he said. “If you're up for it, I think I can show you how to put your career back on track by treating your sales career like you would your own garden. We can go week to ...