Planting Hardy Ferns The best time to plant hardy ferns is during the spring and fall when the rain is plentiful. Cultivate the soil thoroughly, adding a good portion of compost into the planting hole before you plant your fern. Ferns are shallow rooted plants and should be planted with thei...
Introduction to Hardy Orchids for the Perennial GardenEverybody knows and loves the exotic, tropical orchids (e.g., phalaenopsis, and cattleya), but wouldn't it
Department of Agriculture Z3b (-34.4°C to -37.2°C) winter-hardy herbaceous perennials exhibiting a shrub habit with the cushion phenotype. Additional traits exhibited by these three cultivars are butterfly attractants, frost tolerance of the flowers, and genetic 'self-pinching.' These Mammoth ...
The objective of this study was to determine which phenotypic marker(s) in garden chrysanthemum crowns are correlated with winter hardiness for use as non-destructive, inexpensive selection tools in breeding programs. An experiment was conducted over 2 years (fall 1999, 2000) using plants grown in...
In this episode, we will explore Chapter 38, 'Garden plants and houseplants.' This chapter includes several sections: 38.1, which covers garden plants and flowers; 38.2, focusing on houseplants; and 38.3, where we will dis...
Planting bare-root plants How to plant and grow and care for bare-root plants in your garden. Read more about Planting bare-root plants Overwintering tender plants While some plants are bone hardy and will survive perfectly fine outside in the garden in a typical winter, some aren’t....
Winter is hard on a garden. The soil is wet and compacted and the harsh weather takes its toll on the plants. Time to see what needs some work. Inspect all the plants, shrubs and trees to see what has been damaged and make notes of jobs to do to repair this. ...
We’ve been very pleased with a series of new windmill palm hybrids in the garden as we approach another winter stress test. Trachycarpus x forceps is our assigned name for crosses between Trachycarpus fortunei and Trachycarpus princeps. While most Trachycarpus fortunei is winter hardy here in Zone...
In flower this week is one of the most amazing fall-flowering sages we grow, Salvia ‘Phyllis Fancy’. This Salvia leucantha hybrid is far more winter hardy than it’s parent. Below is our two decade old clump, that looks amazing in October. The mature height and spread are 7′ tall,...
A summer-dry climate is supposed to be winter wet. Bring on some winter weather ! Tags: great plants, irrigation, Water, garden design About the Author: Saxon Holt Saxon Holt is a photojournalist and sole photographer of more than 30 garden books, including the award winning books Plants ...