Damp soil plants range from carnivorous pitcher plants like sarracenia and bog plants like hymenocallis that need full sun to damp shade plants like hostas and heloniopsis. Remember, when you are looking to buy plants for wet soil, we hope you will check out our listing of damp soil rain ...
Discover and buy garden plants online: Order flower bulbs, seeds, shrubs, perennials plants from Holland. All in one online garden centre - Dutch-bulbs.com. Fast delivery. Pleasant price. Large assortment.
Planting bare-root plants How to plant and grow and care for bare-root plants in your garden. Read more about Planting bare-root plants Overwintering tender plants While some plants are bone hardy and will survive perfectly fine outside in the garden in a typical winter, some aren’t....
Garden Goods Direct is an online garden center and plant nursery where you can buy plants and trees online. Free shipping on orders over $129. Order now!
We have stopped shipping plants for this year, due to weather. Plants can be picked up all year long. Streptocarpus RP Lacey Bloomers Seedling Special We are constantly growing plants from seed to find new special cultivars. This produces a lot of quality seedlings. We discard any that are...
Buy perennial garden plants at our online nursery. Best place to buy plants online! Our mail order catalog has 1000s of new flowering perennials for sale. New perennial plants online for sale. Mail order plant catalog
Space plants 8-12 inches apart to allow for growth and spread. If planting in containers, choose a pot with good drainage and use a loamy soil mix with added organic matter. To prevent the weedy spread of Acorus, consider planting it in containers, especially if you have a small garden ...
100's of 1000's of plants including native, herb groundcover flowering hardy succulents hedging hedge screening shrubs trees grass shade fruit trees cotttage garden etc We sell Online and send across Australia except W.A, N.T and Tas.
Shop Sale For the HomeExplore our lush and exotic houseplant collection. Shop Houseplants Frequently Asked Questions I've never ordered plants online before. What can I expect? What if my plant arrives damaged or unhealthy? Where do you ship? What if I don't have a green thumb? Shop ...
SHOP PLANTS AND GARDEN ESSENTIALS ONLINE Shop Online Here's how it works: Browse our selection of plants and garden products online. Our horticulturist will assemble your order within 48 hours. We will notify you that your order is ready for curbside pickup or local delivery. Shop Online...