Guide to Planting and Growing Marigolds December 30, 2023 by Dave Marigolds are beautiful annual flowers that are great to plant in the garden for a number of reasons. They attract pollinators and beneficial insects while at the same time providing benefits for companion planting. Marigolds are...
Plant phlox seeds before the last frost for fragrant blooms. botanical namePhlox drummondii sun requirementsFull sun to partial shade height6″-15″ hardiness zones2-11 This little Texas native is great if you want to add some fragrance to the flower garden. Phlox arefrost tolerant. So, plan...
The intervention comprised six raised garden beds, specified FV plantings, a seasonal planting plan, classroom activities for garden engagement, and weekly on-site technical assistance from research staff with gardening expertise. Six vegetables (cucumbers, green beans, green peppers, tomatoes, yellow ...
New York (Ithaca/Tompkins County, last planting dates) New York,Long Island, and final sowing datesNassau County North Carolina Oklahoma Rhode Island South Carolina Pacific Northwest fall/winter guide Tennessee Texas Texas (East) Utah Virginia and adjacent states(from Southern Exposure Seed Exchange)...
It’s great for pollinators, and it can be a little rambunctious. So, I edit it a little bit where I don’t want it, but it’s one of those that you really want to celebrate. Margaret: So, you said matrix planting, now just tell me quickly what… You didn’t do that and...
PLANTING DAFFODILS I only bought one type of daffodil this year and the recommendation for this one came from wonderful garden friend Christie Purifoy from her bookGarden Maker– she said it was her favorite and it was fragrant so I had to go take a look! Yep, one look and I ordered the...
Butterflyweed (Asclepias tuberosa): Native from the northeast and eastern United States south to Florida, west to Texas, and north through Colorado to Minnesota. Grows 1 to 2 feet tall and has light orange blooms. Swamp milkweed (Asclepias incarnate): Native from the northeast United States so...
I have been planting natives to GA for the last 15 yrs of living in our house as it was a full blank slate. It’s more shade than sun but I have reduced the lawn by just planting more native shrubs and low ground covers. I think if people have large lawns, a great way to ...