Sadly, it includes no additional information about the name — of greatest interest to me: Who uses that name for the plant, or where did Jim find it? But whoever it is that uses that name will now be able to find it in MPNS, thanks to this inclusion, and learn that most ...
Due to its diminutive nature, the calico plant is best used near the front of flower beds or at the edge of containers where it can spill out and soften the edge. Alternanthera varieties include ‘Plum Dandy’ and ‘Purple Knight’ from Proven Winners. Both have attractive purple foliage. O...
This marks the first time that a plant has received approval from the US government agencies that control the release of genetically engineered plant for sales directly to home gardeners. Most of the genetically engineered plants have been developed for and are available only to commodity crop (...
And, you can also look for gardening and plant forums online to find people, like expert gardeners, who have extra seeds that they would be willing to send over to beginners. Usually, you’ll just need to have a self-addressed envelope. 23. Get free seeds from Xcel Energy One of the ...
Horticulturist Matt Mattus shares gardening expertise, research and science from his home garden and greenhouse.
October 18, Perennial PlantConference, Swarthmore, PA & ONLINE Next» Subscribe to this blog's feed Enter your email address: Delivered byFeedBurner Twitter Updates follow me on Twitter MEDIA Garden Design Magazine callsGarden Design Onlinea “pro blog”...that keeps you up to date on landscap...
Many environmentalists recycle, plant tees, and drive hybrid cars ( 混合动力汽车 ) , but bicycle commuting could be even more effective than all of those combined. You could cut down the amount of greenhouse gases just by commuting by bicycle a few times a week. 骑自行车通勤对你的身体有...
I’ll be looking at area nurseries and plant sales in the spring to see what I can find—I’m thinking yew could be an option. Harvesting leeks in November. I’ve already got a long gardening to-do list for 2022, so I think I will once again stick to my yard and not take on ...
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(a houseplant destroyer) have some little babies growing near my windows. LIndsey has bred more than a dozen anthurium hybrids and she's received a patent forAlocasia'Green Unicorn'. In this beautifully illustrated book, you'll learn easy and not-so-easy techniques for making more succulents,...