Garden of life 生命花园 有机植物钙片 90粒 生命花园有机植物钙片,产品生产过程辅助原材料全部来源于有机植物的直接提取,杜绝了一切合成化学原料的添加,维生素K2取自非转基因纳豆,可提高骨密度,维生素D3取自有机地衣植物,提高钙吸收,镁离子维护钙质平衡,有助于神经传导,小棕瓶设计,隔热隔潮,避免了营养的流失。(...
Garden of Life Organics Plant Calcium Description Organic Plant Calcium Vegan D3 • Vitamin K2 as MK-7 • Magnesium USDA Organic Non GMO Project Verified Kosher Organic Vegan Calcium Supplement Developing a multi and targeted nutrients that are Certified USDA Organic, Non-GMO Project Verifi...
Garden of Life vitamins and supplements are made from real, organic, non-GMO certified fruits and vegetables. Shop online at for best prices!
One 2020 review found that because vitamin D can help the body absorb calcium, having adequate amounts may help support the health of your teeth and gums. Reduces inflammation According to one recent study, vitamin D may help regulate your body’s normal inflammatory response. Additionally, ...
Garden of Life Organics Organic Plant Calcium supplement is a whole food vegan calcium supplement that includes plant-sourced magnesium, Vegan D3 and Vitamin K2 as MK-7.
Garden of Life® mykind organics Organic Plant Calcium ¥274.33 可获得¥19.2返利 产品信息 Certified USDA Organic Non-GMO verified Whole foods from organic farms No magnesium stearate (vegetable lubricant) Finally a certified organic plant calcium formula that includes vegan D3 and vitamin K2...
Garden of Life Vitamin Code Raw Calcium 120 Capsules 1524.8 out of 5 Stars. 152 reviews Free shipping, arrives in 3+ days Only 1 left Garden of Life Grass Fed Collagen Peptides, Hair, Skin, Nails & Joints, Unflavored Powder, 20g Protein Add Now$2098current price Now $20.98 $30.60...
Garden of Life有機膳食營養品選用新鮮的有機種籽、4種作物青草,13種嫩芽、5種水果、螺旋藻、綠球藻。並特別添加: 幫助腸胃消化的益生菌和酵素 調節人體機能的葡聚多醣體 抗氧化的超氧化酶 抗氧化又能解毒的谷胱甘鈦 保護心血管的輔助酵素CoQ10 *GMP品質 成份含量/Nutrition Facts: Supplement Facts Serving ...
Garden of Life有機膳食營養品選用新鮮的有機種籽、4種作物青草,13種嫩芽、5種水果、螺旋藻、綠球藻。並特別添加: 幫助腸胃消化的益生菌和酵素 調節人體機能的葡聚多醣體 抗氧化的超氧化酶 抗氧化又能解毒的谷胱甘鈦 保護心血管的輔助酵素CoQ10。 *GMP品質 成份含量/Nutrition Facts: Supplement Facts ...
1,400 IU vitamin D3 for optimal dietary calcium absoption Ginger for morning sickness and digestive comfort Probiotic immune system support for Mom and baby * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or...