这款耗时2000个小时打造的腕表搭载宝格丽全新Piccolissimo微型机械机芯。机芯直径为12毫米,厚2.50毫米,仅重1.30克。宝格丽Eden The Garden of Wonders奇境伊甸园系列 Giardino Dell’Eden Piccolissimo花间蝶舞高级珠宝腕表 作为该系列中弥足珍贵的高级珠宝腕表,意趣花园陀飞轮(Giardino Dell’Eden Tourbillon)腕表耗时...
宝格丽发布全新 Eden The Garden of Wonders 奇境伊甸园高级珠宝与腕表系列,礼赞世家与臻美宝石之间的深厚渊源,集惊艳不凡的自然奇迹元素于一身,呈现令人赞叹的艺术佳作。 宝格丽 Eden The Garden of Wonders 奇境伊甸园高级珠宝系列拥有逾 140 件臻美佳作,其中包括 30 余件为致敬华美祖母绿而特别打造的作品,成为品...
Gates of Eden Cushion Gaya Earrings Gentrify This - #WEARABIGISSUE T-Shirt by The Artful Dodger Gentrify This Vest - Designed by The Artful Dodger Geo Large Cosmetic Case - Blue Geo Large Cosmetic Case - Cabernet Geraldine Royal Portrait Mug Geraldine Royal Portrait Tea Towel Ghost Ship - Str...
One of the reasons he is so good at this — his grandmother was a gardener who loved the same style and many of the same plants as me — Our garden reminds him of the special times he had walking in his grandmothers garden, hearing her talk about the plants she loved and helping her...
宝格丽Eden The Garden of Wonders奇境伊甸园系列 Giardino Dell’Eden Piccolissimo花间蝶舞高级珠宝腕表 作为该系列中弥足珍贵的高级珠宝腕表,意趣花园陀飞轮(Giardino Dell’Eden Tourbillon)腕表耗时4400个小时打造而成,堪称一件令人赞叹的艺术珍品。腕表融合缤纷花朵元素、采用颤动工艺的两只蝴蝶、以及隐藏于繁茂枝叶下面...
宝格丽Eden The Garden of Wonders奇境伊甸园系列 Blooming Beauty绮丽繁花高级珠宝腕表 花间蝶舞(Giardino Dell’Eden Piccolissimo)腕表镶嵌逾1500颗宝石,华贵之美呼之欲出。腕表从宝格丽上世纪六十年代的作品中撷取设计灵感,以唯美蝴蝶和绚丽花朵展现葱郁花园的无限生机。蝴蝶采用古老的珠宝颤动工艺,微微颤动间给人展翅...
Eden (Pierre de Ronsard) Posted by bayarea_girl_z10a_caJune 25, 2019 Rose GalleryRoses27 CommentsUpdated June 27, 2019+25 Today's bouquet to scent the house! Posted by pippacovalentJune 26, 2019 Rose GalleryRoses14 CommentsUpdated June 26, 2019+12 Johann Strauss, close-up Posted by mark...
“Man has long dreamt of creating an ideal paradise – a Garden of Eden … But Edward Hyams maintains that it is not until the twentieth century that this dream is fully realized and the concept of the true English Garden emerges.” Great Dixter: Then and Now by Fergus Garrett This book...
【宝格丽发布 Eden The Garden of Wonders 奇境伊甸园高级珠宝腕表系列】 8 月 17 日,宝格丽介绍了全新 Eden The Garden of Wonders 奇境伊甸园高级珠宝腕表系列。系列由宝格丽产品开发执行总监法布里齐奥·布纳...
A description is given of the Eden Project in Cornwall, UK. The Project's purpose is to demonstrate the importance of plants to people and to promote susta... GT Prance - 《Economic Botany》 被引量: 14发表: 2002年 Context-Sensitive Information Delivery to Visitors in a Botanic Garden This...