Of the 144112 characters on Anime Characters Database, 13 are from the 动画 Secret Garden: The Animation.
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rye, or oats) are planted in the garden at the end of the growing season. They grow rapidly in the fall and are then worked into the soil in the spring. They often contain an abundance of nutrients, and their roots can provide structure...
Bat Cave Mine Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons In a similar vein, “Bat guano” products would also qualify as “non-genetically engineered”, but the sustainability question also comes into play.How is it harvested? I can’t deny that it’s a great fertilizer, but if you want to use...
as commodity. The separation of capital from the commons is a key dynamic of history. Minerals in the land for example were privately owned but always by the king, that is, the representative of the whole. from wiki on cattle Cattle did not originate as the term for bovine animals. It ...
OK, so here’s the thing that’s interesting to me. There is a small but real contingent of people out there who want to ban the herbicide 2,4 D (I picked 2,4 D randomly – I could have picked Round-up, Sevin, or any other pesticide – but I was thinking of summer, and so ...
I thought so. Because now we are NOT doing that.The containers will be on the side of the house with the naive hope that maybe the bunnies won’t notice them. Is the sun great there? Nope. Is it convenient to water? Not really. Is there really an logical reason to put the containe...
Write a Review 11:57 am Anonymous Who is this? View Latest Comments:Macne Petit i once dyed my hair to look like hers and it turned out amazing. i like her ≺3-Anonymous Quotes But I doubt we'll be waiting long.-Jong-In Choi...
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LinksHome Page[Search EN Wiki|Search JA Wiki]Trends HistoryCompare Anime DB Links (Add) Character Popularity*12 (Edit Assignments) View All By Role By Section Chart Popular Search SMASH VA Tags Kana CV: Mio Hoshitani Rin CV: Eri Suzuki ...