Theres nothing especially family friendly about the all-white Comic Cowboys who parade downtown on Fat Tuesday. 2022 Trinity Gardens Parade,Mobile Alabama #Trinity Gardens#Mobile Alabama#Parade#Mardi AboutPressCopyrightContact usCreatorsAdvertiseDevelopersTermsPrivacyPolicy & SafetyHow. Order of the Rolling...
【连载翻译】アサシネ(ASSASSINE) Assassin Colosseum 第1话 作者:平野耕太 掲載誌:Comic REX 2010年11·12月号 その他:隔月連載 A(B):写作A读作B ():注音 *:后面有注 []:译者的说明和吐槽 [1] Andrey brothers:这次的目标是谁?咋没告诉咱 Andrey brothers:但是据说下注的地面[指黑帮占的地盘]大得很...
At first, we planned on putting our containers in various parts of our yard to see where would be the best location for a future in-ground garden. Isn’t that a great idea? I thought so. Because now we are NOT doing that.The containers will be on the side of the house with the n...
that slavery has been part of the evils that mankind has been beset with and beset others with since the dawn of mankind. If you have homo-sapiens blood (and even though I have way more Neanderthal than most, I still have a lot of homo-sapiens) you’re descended from slaves and slaves...
作者:平野耕太 掲載誌:Comic REX 2011年2月号 その他:隔月連載A(B):写作A读作B ():简略说明 *:后面有注【】:译者的说明和和吐槽[1]扩音器:一方是 草野组 野々村扩音器:野々村诚* 【小诚兄弟我咋记得你上一话的时候不长这样呢…】[2]扩音器:另一方是“Marseille组织线(Grupe)” “锯引(RollingSaw)...
[ ]内为演唱歌词的角色名;下面是日语旁白对应的德语歌词,如旁白和其引用的歌词意思差别较大则在后面()中注明原意;再下面是日语旁白的翻译,翻译自然是尽量贴近日语原文的语感和断句。 【旁白(出自Der Freiscütz第二幕第3景,总第9景)】 [Agathe] Wie? Was? Entsetzen!
隱者の庭園 -The Garden of Recluse- 各种文字类杂物仓库 【No more day or night exists】minako “mooki” Obata「木の歌/The Tree Song」(TV动画「カイバ」06话插入歌)歌词&翻译 2011/08/16留下评论 木の歌 作詞:藤田薰/作曲:minako “mooki” Obata/唄:カフェー(折笠愛) ...