Picture books that anthropomorphize animals – and even inanimate objects – are the norm rather than the exception. These books are whimsical and fanciful. They depict worlds like our own but different in magical ways that delight children and adults alike. Perhaps these books are more engaging ...
Barber National Institute’s Club Erie program meets in the area from May through October with Penn State Master Gardener Mike Bailey for an educational lesson and assistance with the next steps in the process of the garden. Club Erie is a community-based service designed to help adults with ...
Everything for the Garden This is a weird book – but I like it! And you might, too, especially if you enjoy the antique illustrations in our print catalogs. That’s because Everything for the Garden is essentially a picture book for adults who like gardens and history. Although it ...
"The Secret Garden" is a story about a seemingly magical garden that has healing powers. The garden has been hidden for 10 years when a young girl discovers it.
Most likely you’ll never spot a jewel beetle because they operate under cover for most of their lives. Adults exit through D shaped holes that are almost impossible to spot. David R McKay USDA There’s a twist to the mystery. On their own, these small boring insects don’t travel very...
When you follow this guide the eggs and nymphs never have a chance to replicate as adults, and your pest count drops dramatically. It’s natural, organic, no sprays or chemicals, just elbow grease. Sounds like a great job for a kid to earn their allowance! http://www.reformationacres....
You’ve written trade books for adults and built a brand that focuses mostly on products to encourage and inspire women. Why was it important for you to focus on children this time? Have you ever watched a caterpillar turn into a monarch butterfly? As a kid, we would visit a small book...
All adults owe you the respect of making the attempt to understand what you are up against; what you have been up against for decades. The world will continue to suffer from its neglect of you. And what oppresses you today may well become what oppresses everyone in the not so distant fut...
My brothers, as adults, still cuddle Mom. XD *chuckle!* Had an entertaining afternoon where oldest son wanted a cuddle (which, at his age, is put head in lap and get his head petted), and the youngest siblings got JEALOUS. Jaenelle promptly climbed on top of Vincent, and tried to cr...
So do plans for the island's future. 游戏和丰富摊位标志着庆祝活动。该岛的未来计划也是如此。 In 1991, the government stopped a plan to extend the subway to the island. Now there are talks about saving the island for future generations. But there will come a day when no one will live ...