Introduce children in pre-k, preschool, kindergarten, first grade, and 2nd grade to learning to read a clock with these fun Garden themedTelling the Time Worksheets. Concentrating on learning the o’clock and half-past times, these worksheets are a great way to introduce time and reading a c...
Lower primary students are aged 6 to 8 years old; this is the transitional period from preschool to primary. Due to the change in the learning environment, they usually have certain changes in terms of their psycho-physiology, with the following common features: (1) Body: their high-level ...
Games1st Grade2nd GradeActionAdventureArcadeCustomizeEducationFun GamesHighlighted GamesPreschoolPuzzlesTop Games Crazy Art Coloring Pages Ages 6-94th Grade5th Grade6th Grade7th GradeGamesPuzzlesStrategy Sea Animal Adventure – Dive into Fun! Games2nd Grade3rd GradeAges 6-9Fun GamesHighlighted GamesTop ...