New Haven, CT, and London: Yale University Press, 1978d.236–250.Mukařovský, Jan. “The Aesthetic Norm.” [1937] Jan Mukařovský,Structure, Sign and Function:Selected Essays by Jan Mukařovský. Ed. and trans. by John Burbank and Peter Steiner. NewHaven, CT, and London: ...
Leading off with a refreshed solo repertoire (blending in vintage throwbacks “A Tower Struck Down” and “Camino Royale”) that provides new showcases for his talented band (Rob Townsend and Roger King’s wind/keys duet on “Ace of Wands”, Jonas Reingold’s fleet-fingered solo spot “Bas...
Carol Stewart (New York: Viking Press, 1963), 37. 21. Neil Martin Blackadder, Performing Opposition: Modern Theater and the Scandalized Audience (Westport, CT: Praeger, 2003), 10. 22. Nicholas Ridout, “The Vibratorium Electrified,” in Vibratory Modernism, ed. Anthony Enns and Shelley ...
Dali was preoccupied with excrement, perversely regarding it as the most luxurious work of art—the universal dead-end of the digestive process.Thus the anal birth of the work of art.As Dali wrote in admiration, Duchamp developed “a new interest in the preparation of shit, of which the sma...