1 explanation, 1 meaning for Garbage lyrics including Supervixen, Shut Your Mouth, Push It at LyricsMode.com
Setlist: Subhuman / Supervixen / Queer / Girl Don't Come / As Heaven Is Wide / The Butterfly Collector / Not My Idea / Driving Lesson / Milk / Fix Me Now / My Lover's Box / Sleep / A Stroke of Luck / #1 Crush / Stupid Girl / Dog New Tricks / Only Happy When It Rains /...
"I think if someone really wanted to figure out the processes we go through, they should listen to all the mixes of one song, all the way through. As soon as we have the basic idea, we jam in the studio and Shirley comes up with the melody and the lyrics. It might be in a very...
"Aside from a Marshall on just a few things, the amps that we primarily used were a Mesa Boogie, a Fender Bassman — which is one of my favourites — and a Vox AC30 for the cleaner overdriven sounds," Vig recalls. "However, there's not a lot of processing going on. Kurt had a ...
flinching because I had no idea when it was going to go off (which is actually a good thing…). J and I were cracking up after one particularly embarrassing shot where I not only flinched away – I also scrunched my eyes closed and cringed away from the bow… Not an ideal shooting ...
” Manson sings on the driving “Not My Idea.” On the darkly atmospheric “Vow,” she’s “like Joan of Arc coming back for more,” challenging an ex-lover who’s burned her to a showdown. You get the clear idea that Manson won’t stand for being dominated in relationships any ...
It was the sweltering summer of 2014. Papa Joe Thrashnkill, Herr Schmitty, Randall Thor, Stockhausen, Leif Bearikson, and the other MS regulars and I had not yet severed out golden umbilical chords in disgust overMushroomheadmemes and taken the huge, wildly bad idea of a dump that would ...
Garbage "Supervixen": Come down to my house, stick a stone in your mouth You can always pull out, if you like it too much...