Answer the question “What is a Gap Year?” and find out all you need to know about the gap year, whether you’re a student or parent.
Get Paid To See The World! 60+ trips to 30+ countries inc. Australia, Canada, Americas, UK, NZ, Europe, Asia, Africa. Working Holidays, Volunteer, Au Pair, Teach, Internship, Tours & 24/7 Support Team. Contiki Contiki is a global tour company that caters to 18-35-year-olds, offerin...
Mind The Gap Year provides gap year and backpacker training, safety advice and insurance to UK residents, plus many other gap year/backpacker travel services, offers and discounts.
Gap year, career break and responsible travel specialists. Paid work and volunteer projects last 1-52 weeks in one of 26 diverse countries.
Shop for travel accessories & equipment for your next gap year or backpacking adventure in our UK superstore.
Gap Year Safety Travel. Our gap year safety courses teach young travellers how to stay safe and be aware of the different conditions that might be faced whilst travelling or backpacking abroad. Learn how to recognise danger and we'll howw you how to dea
Health Protect yourself from health hazards during your Gap year travels. Find out more Travel Kit Help with the essential items for your rucksack, how to pack them and where to buy your travelling gear. Find out more...
Years in business Plan My Gap Year locations Africa Ghana South Africa Tanzania Americas Costa Rica Ecuador Peru Asia Cambodia Sri Lanka India Indonesia Nepal Vietnam Thailand Europe Greece Plan My Gap Year project focus Animal Marine LifeStreet AnimalsWildlife Conservation ...
on a Gap year with Kings The Academic Study Programme is for students aged 17 and above who have finished high school in their own country and are looking for a gap year experience. The programme focuses on personal development and an experience in the world of British education. Flexible...
experience, and connections needed to be a leader of change. Create lasting change in Costa Rica and Nepal through 4, 5, 7 and 10-week programs that tackle issues in poverty, education, and the environment. This is one of the first UK programs to be accredited by the Gap Year Association...