Explore conservation and nature reserves on your gap year and see some of the most wild, beautiful and endangered animals…
What jobs can I do on my gap year? Traditional gap year jobs include working at summer camps, bar tending, teaching English, ski instructing, and being an au pair, but there really is lots of options available! For instance, enjoy hospitality and have sea legs? Then being a steward on ...
Answer the question “What is a Gap Year?” and find out all you need to know about the gap year, whether you’re a student or parent.
事实上在国外很多同学都会选择gap year,而我当时也是在gap year 之后成功申请到了Grenoble École de Management时尚、设计与奢侈品管理硕士,在我看来gap year不仅让我做好了留学的准备,更帮助我看清了未来的路,今天我也和大家分享一下我的留学申请历程,希望可以帮助同学们更好地了解gap year,同时对想要申请留学的...
Jobs Volunteer Tours Teach English Internships Courses Why Choose Gap Year World? Gap Year World is the leading expert company for planning gap years for 18-30's. We work with carefully selected partners to help you find and book amazing trips abroad. Our expert travel advisors are available ...
用中文来说的话,gap year可以翻译成“间隔年”。到了国内留学圈,gap的意思就变了。毕业之后,不管你是不是在享受没有学业的人生,只要你没有上学,就可以称为gap。当科研助理,是一种最常见的gap方式。从大一就开始看留学经验分享的我,很早就知道了gap的存在。通过分析他人的gap经验,我也欣然接受了gap,做好了...
Create Your Timeframe –Decide how long your gap year will be. It can be any timeframe that you see fit – a summer, six months, or a year. It’s your choice. Determine Your Destination –Where do you want to spend your gap year? Will you travel to and stay in one far flung ...
Gap YearPADI Courses Gap Year Field Guiding These types of GAP year program are similar in nature, all being ecotourism related, but this is where the majority of the demand lies for English speaking tour guides. Quick Fact:GAP year jobs and volunteer work are found all over the world. ...
Working Travel Guide from The Season Workers website - first hand, friendly advice on summer jobs, ski jobs, outdoor jobs and courses, TEFL jobs and courses and volunteer projects and placements worldwide. Read guides, case studies and testimonials from
Spend Your Gap Year in Europe! By Nick Callos7 Jul 2024 Volunteer Spend Your Gap Year in Thailand! By Nikki Martinez15 Jul 2017 Volunteer Intern Teach Long Term Volunteer Work Abroad Programs & Voluntary Charity Jobs By Brittany Edwardes11 Oct 2023 ...