小题1:A gap year/Gap years小题2:Definition小题3:before starting university小题4:travelling小题5:Raleigh International小题6: combined educational programs小题7:community service小题8:high pressure小题9: motivated小题10:Conclusion 试题分析:“间隔年“指的是已经有工作的人辞职进行间隔旅行,以调整身心...
Definition of gap year noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more.
Gap year definition: a period of time, usually an academic or calendar year, in which a student takes a break from school to travel, work, or volunteer, typically after ending high school and before starting college.. See examples of GAP YEAR used in a s
The meaning of GAP YEAR is a one-year hiatus from academic studies to allow for nonacademic activities. How to use gap year in a sentence.
Share the Definition of gap on Twitter Twitter Kids Definition gap noun ˈgap 1 : a break in a barrier 2 a : a mountain pass b : ravine 3 : a space or separation : a break in continuity gaps in your story a gap where the tooth had been 4 : a wide difference (as...
Define gap year. gap year synonyms, gap year pronunciation, gap year translation, English dictionary definition of gap year. n. A year taken off from a person's education, especially between high school and college, often to travel or gain practical expe
Define gap years. gap years synonyms, gap years pronunciation, gap years translation, English dictionary definition of gap years. n. A year taken off from a person's education, especially between high school and college, often to travel or gain practical
Gap year travel is an attractive option for future career development. 试题答案 在线课程 小题1:A gap year/Gap years 小题2:Definition 小题3:before starting university 小题4:travelling 小题5:Raleigh International 小题6: combined educational programs ...
is a year during which students take time off and do something other than schooling such as travel or work.可知填A gap year/Gap years小题2:归纳词:右边的是间隔年的定义:Definition小题3:原词重现:从第一段的句子:The gap year is most commonly taken after secondary school and before starting ...
The meaning of GAP YEAR is a one-year hiatus from academic studies to allow for nonacademic activities. How to use gap year in a sentence.