间隔年英语--—The-gap-year GapYear •InEuropeandtheUnitedStates,manyyoungpeopleinhighschoolanduniversity,aftergraduationbeforework,willdoalongtrip.Inthisyear,theyleftthecountrytotravel,onajourneydoingvolunteerwork.Thisyearisa"gapyear".SomethingaboutGapYear IntheUKa'gapyear'wastraditionallyviewedasthe...
One of the best things about a gap year in Europe is how easy it is to travel between countries. Pack a bag, buy a ticket, and go to your next destination – it’s as easy as that. Teach English in Thailand If Europe is a bit too close to home, consider travelling to Thailand f...
When it comes to choosing a gap year program, the options are infinite: you can choose a pre-made gap year program, combine short-term programs, or make your own custom experience at home or abroad (or both!). But if you’re looking for the best gap year programs, what should you c...
I'm planning to take a gap year and go backpacking in Europe.我计划利用一个空档年去欧洲背包旅行。Some students choose to work in high-tech industries during their gap year.一些学生在壮游年期间选择在高科技公司工作。The point of a gap year is that it should be the time when the school le...
The-Gap-Year Madebyyy GapYear InEuropeandtheUnitedStates,manyyoungpeopleinhighschoolanduniversity,aftergraduationbeforework,willdoalongtrip.Inthisyear,theyleftthecountrytotravel,onajourneydoingvolunteerwork.Thisyearisa"gapyear". SomethingaboutGapYear ...
Read the full-text online article and more details about "How Our Ancestors Spent a Prehistoric 'Gap Year' in Europe" - Daily Mail (London), September 9, 2009Daily Mail (London)
Gap Year——间隔年,很多西方国家的青年在升学或者毕业之后工作之前,会做一次长期的旅行,让自己在步入社会之前体验与自己生活的社会环境不同的生活方式。今天这位老外选择了去意大利度过自己的Gap Year,让我们来听她聊聊吧~ So the gap year, I moved to Mi...
Gap year program transportation.With a gap year program, your in-country transport will be planned by your organization. However, if you decide to do any traveling outside of the program’s schedule, you’ll have to arrange that transportation on your own. A lot of gappers will choose to...
The gap year • In Europe and the United States, many young people in high school and university, after graduation before work, will do a long trip. In this year, they left the country to travel, on a journey doing volunteer work. This year is a “gap year”. On the gap year的英...
14 Years in business Plan My Gap Year locations Africa Ghana South Africa Tanzania Americas Costa Rica Ecuador Peru Asia Cambodia Sri Lanka India Indonesia Nepal Vietnam Thailand Europe Greece Plan My Gap Year project focus Animal Marine LifeStreet AnimalsWildlife Conservation ...