Gap insurance might be a good choice if you didn't make much of a down payment when you financed your car or if you plan to drive it in a way that might decrease its resale value quickly, such as taking many long road trips or exploring rough roads. It also might be a good option...
Gap insurance is an optional auto insurance coverage that helps pay your car loan if your car is lost or stolen and you owe more than the vehicle is worth.
在我們汽車保單中有一個項目叫做Lease or Loan GAP, 這個項目通常在新車購買時可以一併在保單加上. 我們在使用貸款买车或租賃新车時,契約上已經簽定了車子的價格. 但是新車一旦過戶,就已經算是二手車了,也就是我們常說的折舊. 為了避免折舊的價差影響保險理賠的不足,所以我們會建議各位朋友加買GAP Insurance. 舉例...
Learn about what car Guaranteed Auto Protection Insurance (GAP) is, when it's worth it, and where to purchase it. Enjoy peace of mind with Nissan's Security+Plus Gap Protection.
GAP insurance, or Guaranteed Asset Protection insurance, offers extra protection if your car is written off or stolen. Find out how it works and if you need it.
Gap insurance is supplemental health coverage paired with a high-deductible major medical plan. The goal is to help employees cover out-of-pocket expenses.
Deloitte’s survey of homeowners in US states with high climate change risk reveals skyrocketing costs and widening gaps in insurance coverage.
GAPV1409131 GAPInsurance ProductDisclosureStatement INTRODUCTION ItisimportantthatbeforeYoupurchasetheinsuranceYoutakethetimetoreadandunderstandthisProductDisclosure Statement(PDS)initsentirety,asitcontainsimportantinformationasrequiredunderthefinancialserviceprovisionsofthe CorporationsAct2001. IfYoudonotunderstandanypartof...
In that event, this Plan can help cover the amount you owe on the vehicle that your insurance doesn’t cover. Ask your dealer for Chevrolet GAP Coverage—the only plan with the same name as your vehicle.Exclusions† Losses occurring prior to the date of the GAP Addendum Any amounts ...
Health insurance gap in U.S. worsens; Census figures show 41.2 million Americans have no coverage.(NEWS)Westphal, David